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Finding the damn station 9 ¾ took a bit longer than Harry expected. For a while Dudley and he circled the stations 9 and 10, fruitlessly looking for any sign of magic. They must have looked pretty suspicious because by the end of it, people started to back away from them, averting their eyes when they met Harry's.

Harry wasn't going to lie - he was getting pretty worried. And it's not like he could blame muggle commuters for feeling apprehensive around him and Dudley. A snow white owl was not a sight Londoners were accustomed to.

Really they were lucky that a helpful family of gingers were likewise headed for station 9 ¾. It was a peculiar household - a matriarch was followed by 3 gangly young men, who looked on the cusp of losing the last vestiges of their teenage years in favour of the hardness of adulthood. The sole exception was a young woman whose hair was just as brightly orange and who looked to be about Harry's age.

Dudley whistled, his own gaze immediately zeroing in on one particular part of the young woman's looks.

"Damn what an ass." He said, his voice low enough to reach only Harry's ears. "I am almost jealous."

Harry was about to retort when the matriarch of the family - a plump middle aged woman, who carried the traces of pregnancy with dignity. Just like her brood, her hair was a bright orange colour.

"Are you going to Hogwarts dearies?" She asked, her voice gentle.

Dudley laughed and slapped Harry on the back, almost sending him sprawling on the train station floor.

Harry may have been working on gaining weight and muscle ever since they moved out of Privet Drive, but Dudley was still built like a landwhale with, perhaps, a touch too much enthusiasm for bodybuilding.

That better not have left a bruise.

"No, mam." Dudley said. "This one only." He patted Harry on the shoulder, this time with more consideration. "I am just here to see the bugger off."

Something flashed in the mature woman's eyes, too quickly for Harry to discern. It disappeared as soon as it appeared, replaced by a warm welcoming smile.

"Well then just follow our lead." The matriarch said and immediately returned to herding her children.

The first time Harry saw a ginger figure vanish into the stone barrier between platforms 9 and 10.

He looked around, searching for any sign of muggles noticing the disappeared ginger. Nothing. Tourists and commuters continued milling about, utterly ignorant of the magic happening so close to them.

"What the…" Dudley was blinking rapidly with a baffled look on his face. "Where did he go?"

The young woman bumped Into Harry's shoulder.

"You gotta pull your friend through." She explained. "The platform is spelled to confound the minds of muggles."

And just like that, the young redhead pushed on her trolley and vanished into the platform.

That was…concerning. But it was a concern of the Future Harry.

Harry grabbed Dudley's shoulder.

"C'mon big guy." Harry told him and together the crossed the threshold separating mundane reality of London in favour of something more…magical.

Of course there was thing that couldn't fail in garnering Dudley's attention.

The platform 9 ¾ was utterly staffed with women of various ages and types of beauty. There were stately MILFs, their confident presence and finely aged beauty making them a delight for the two young men's eyes. There were young women around Harry's age, their youthful purity and almost vulnerable beauty making them a target for the ravenous hunger kindling in Harry's gut.

It was an all you can eat buffet, but honestly, Harry just wanted to board, settle his luggage and spend the train ride enjoying the countryside.

Harry elbowed Dudley in his prodigious gut, which to the young man's credit at this point had more muscle than fat.

"Jealous now?"

That snapped Dudley out of his lust stricken stupor. He rolled his eyes.

"As if." Dudley said. "I didn't believe you at first. About the men and women ratio, I mean. Guess seeing is believing." He trailed of for a moment. "Seems like too much trouble for me though. Gotta be an utter pain keeping the schedule and such." Dudley was silent for a moment, his broad face looking surprisingly pensive. "I guess what I am trying to say, is that I would much rather just settle with one good girl."

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"So when's the wedding? You know, I am not getting any younger, I want adorable nephews and nieces for spoiling, Dudley." Harry said with mock severity.

Dudley snorted.

"You sound just like mum." He said.

A full body shudder wrecked Harry.

"Low blow Dudley. Low blow." Harry dry heaved. "There are some things you just don't tell your best friend."

If he ever found himself acting like Petunia Dursley, it would be a sure sign Harry was making some bad choices.

"Anyway." Dudley said, his eyes drawn to a pair of mature women eyeing him with great interest. "If you don't need my help, I am off to introduce those two bombshells to the glory of Big D."

Harry smiled.

"I think I'll manage." He said with a fond laugh. "Do try not to get into trouble."

Dudley snorted.

"You, of all people, have no place saying something like that to me." He said.

The two parted ways and though Harry knew he would see Dudley again and that owl post, bizarre though it was, was a reliable means of communication, couldn't help but feel forlorn.

Still, no use lollygagging.

And just like that Harry was off to explore the bright red train that was going to carry him into his wizarding future.


Harry had just settled into a comfortable and, more importantly empty cabin when a familiar redhead popped her head into the cabin.

Now that Harry could take a closer look he could see all the features distinguishing this young lady from other redheads Harry had 'encounters' with.

She was lean, all fit muscle that spoke of an active lifestyle. Her hair was tied into a simple unfussy ponytail that reached her shoulder blades. She might not have had the biggest tits and ass but what she did have was perky and perfect for being groped.

Thankfully she didn't look all that similar to Harry's mom, otherwise perving on her would have been a tad awkward.

Harry still wasn't sure how he felt about his Oedipal urges. One thing was clear - this young woman was beautiful.

Not that Harry wanted to taste her.  Not now.

“Hey, there.” The redhead said cheerfully. “Mind if I join you?”

Harry hesitated to answer. He really wasn’t in the mood for flirting or fucking.

Something must have shown on his face, because the redhead snorted.

“Don’t worry, lover boy.” She said as she entered the cabin. “You are not exactly my type, if you catch my meaning.”

Harry lifted his eyebrows.

“Alright then.” He said.

The redhead made short work of settling her luggage - a beat up and well used wooden chest, and plopped down onto the seat across from Harry.

“Ginny Weasley.” She said and offered a handshake.

Harry gripped her hand. Her palm was tough. Harry could feel callouses.

“Harry Potter.” He said and shook her hand.

Ginny’s eyebrows almost lifted off into the stratosphere.

“I thought you’d be taller.” She said once the surprise wore off.

Harry released the breath he didn’t know he was holding. The whole “Boy-Who-Lived” thing was confusing and more than a little annoying. It was nice to see someone treating it relatively casually.

“Me too, but puberty was not that kind to me.” Harry sighed with more real disappointment than he intended. “It’s not like physical matters as much when we have magic, right?”

Ginny shrugged.

“I guess.” She shrugged. “Still, thank you for letting me in, all the other cabins are occupied.”

Harry frowned.

“What about your brothers?”

Ginny made a face.

“I’d rather not stick around to see them do their Gryffindor best to drown themselves in thirsty witches.” She said, disgusted. “Trust me, having six older brothers is its own kind of hell.”

“I wouldn’t know.” Harry shrugged. Then something Ginny said peaked his interest. “What’s Gryffindor?”

The redhead looked at Harry as if he had just asked her something stupid.

“Eh…one of the four Houses the Hogwarts students are divided into.” Ginny said. “Gryffindor is the best one. Obviously. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are not too bad, but they are for nerds and lame people respectively. And of course you don’t want to get caught dead in Slytherin. Not that you of all people are in any danger of being stuck with the snakes.”

“I take it you are aiming for Gryffindor?” Harry said, amused.

“You bet.” Ginny smiled. “My whole family went to Gryffindor.”

“Alright then. How about you explain the Houses to me in a less biased fashion.” Harry asked.

“Well if I have to.” Ginny said. “Gryffindor is for the brave and the bold - daring witches and wizards. As I said, the best House. Ravenclaws are the bookish types. Pale and reedy, their noses always stuck in the book. Hufflepuffs are,,,well they are just sort of there most of the time, but supposedly they are meant to be loyal and hardworking.”

“And Slytherin?” Harry asked.

“That’s where racists go.” Ginny said. Seeing the look of disbelief on Harry’s face, she continued. “I am not kidding there. They claim they are all sneaky, cunning and ambitious, but if their overt blood bigotry is part of some long running plan, it hasn't been working out for them for the past couple of centuries. Everybody knows that Slytherins are either Dark Witches or their supporters.”

“I see.” Harry said.

There was a lot of drama surrounding what he felt was a fairly meaningless division of students. Bummer. Harry hoped to study magic in peace, enjoying the attention of the eager young female students and mature experienced witches. But it seemed one way or another his hopes for peace would remain mere daydreams.

Sure, Ginny was biased as hell, but there was no smoke without a fire.

“So, which House are you hoping for?” She asked him.

Harry still didn’t particularly care.

“Not Slytherin I guess.” Harry shrugged.

The answer didn’t seem to satisfy Ginny.

“C’mon. You gotta go with Gryffindor.” She said. Seeing the lack of interest on Harry’s face, Ginny bit her lip in thought. Finally a coy look appeared on her face. “How about we make it interesting?”

Harry raised an eyebrow. If Ginny thought she was being subtle he had a Nigerian Prince to introduce her to.

“When I make you cum in ten minutes, you’ll do your best to be placed in Gryffindor.” Ginny said.

Harry snorted.

“I thought I wasn’t your type?”

“I can take you on for the team, or well, House, in this case.”

Harry rolled his eyes.

“And if you fail? What do I get then?” He asked.

Ginny fluttered her eyebrows in an exaggerated manner.

“The pleasure of my company won’t be enough, I take it?” She asked rhetorically. “I suppose in the unlikely event that you do hold out long enough, I’ll owe you a favour, and a favour from me, means a favour from my brothers. Ron’s nothing special, but the Twins know Hogwarts secrets and Percy is a Prefect.”

“Alright.” Harry leaned back in his seat. He glanced at the cheap plastic watch Dudley had given him as a gift. “You have ten minutes.”

Harry hasn’t finished saying the last word, when Ginny dropped on her knees and forcefully spread Harry’s legs. Harry grunted, that was perhaps a lot bolder than his previous lovers.

Ginny lost some of her momentum when started fumbling with Harry’s belt and zipper. Apparently they were different compared to what typical wizards wore. Before Ginny decided to simply rip through her obstacles and ruined Harry’s clothes, he gave her a hand and unzipped his pants

Ginny was momentarily stunned at the sheer size of Harry’s manhood. And it wasn’t even fully erect! Ginny swallowed, a moment of weak doubt flashing through her heart.

Then she grinned. This wouldn’t be fun if it weren't a challenge. She gripped Harry’s cock with both hands, feeling its warmth and rising hardness and began masterfully stroking it.

Unbeknownst to the two lovers, Ginny wasn’t the only young witch admiring Harry’s endowment. One Hermione Granger was standing outside of the cabin door, her mouth open in shock and her face ablaze with embarrassment. The normally headstrong and opinionated young woman did not barge into the cabin to give a lecture. Instead she just stood there, unable to look away from the lurid spectacle unfolding before her eyes.

It didn’t take long for Ginny to bring Harry to full mast. Her technique might have been rough, but it had its own appeal. Before long, Harry’s cock was throbbing and twitching in the air, defying gravity even as it strained against its own skin.

Veins criss crossing his shaft pulses to the beat of his own heart and a small bead of precum was forming on the tip.

Ginny swallowed, feeling her throat dry up. She might have favoured fairer sex, but as a woman she couldn't look at this pillar of masculinity and not feel the urge to conquer it. Heat began to pool between her legs. Ginny shifted her weight a bit, bringing her nose closer to the cock head.

Harry's musk filled her nostrils, making her feel lightheaded.

Ginny looked up into Harry's eyes and with a confident smile inhaled his cock.

She wanted to swallow it whole, take it to the base, but alas she only managed to swallow half of it. Harry's cock reached the back of her throat, making her gag, even as her tongue writhed underneath Harry's manhood, tasting it. Ginny's hands continued to be busy, stroking what was left outside of her mouth.

Harry threw his head back and let out a groan of pleasure, unconsciously pumping his hips forward. Normally he would have already thrust his cock down the slut's right little throat, until the little bitch was red in her face. But not this time.

Victory, even a meaningless one, was at stake here.

So Harry summoned up his will and concentrated on staving off the pleasure he was feeling.

It wasn't a simple thing to do - Ginny was putting in the effort. She needed neither encouragement nor a helping hand to impale her throat on Harry's cock. Each time she swallowed more and more of Harry's cock.

"Glurgkh! Glurgkh! Glurgkh!"

She was effectively facefucking herself. Spit and tears dripped down her red face and sounds of sloppy blowjob filled the cabin.

Minutes passed and though slowly, Ginny was bringing Harry closer and closer to orgasm. He needed something, anything to distract her.

"Is it really the best you can do?" Harry asked as he demonstratively looked at his watch. "Half of your allotted time has already passed and yet I am no closer to cumming than I was when you started."

Harry lied as easily as he breathed, but oxygen-deprived and mono focused Ginny didn't notice the obvious deception.

Meanwhile, Harry continued.

"Maybe a Gryffindor is not such a great House." He mused. "A Ravenclaw gal would probably know a spectacular technique or something very kinky - it's always the quiet ones you see. A Hufflepuff would put in a lot more effort than this pitiful attempt." Harry shrugged. "And it would be quite fun to shag a blood purist. A girl from Slytherin would be fun I bet."

Ginny scowled. She wasn't getting anywhere. It was time to change her strategy. Slowly, she began pulling her throat off Harry's cock.

Inch by inch until it was throbbing in the air once more, this time dripping with Ginny's spit.

Unwilling to leave Harry’s cock unattended for even a moment, Ginny stroked it, giving it a handjob as passionate as the blowjob. Fortunately for Harry, it wasn’t half as pleasant. He was safe. For now.

“You are a cocky bastard, aren’t you?” Ginny asked.

“Hard not to be.” Harry replied.

Ginny bit her lip, glancing down at Harry’s member. Slowly and with clear reluctance, she let go of it, before quickly divesting herself of clothes. There was nothing sexy or seductive about her movements. They were all utilitarian, serving the simple purpose of making Ginny naked as fast as possible.

Finally, Ginny stood above Harry, as naked as the day she was born. Her fit body -  a feast for Harry’s eyes.

“Let’s see how long you hold out now, big boy.” Ginny smirked and straddled Harry.

She pressed her wet pussy to the base of Harry’s cock and started gyrating her hips, slowly making her way higher, until her pussy was above Harry’s throbbing cockhead.

Ginny put her hands on Harry’s shoulders to stabilise her position, smiled confidently and dropped down, impaling herself on Harry’s cock.

The two lovers groaned as one, both feeling the pleasure of penetration. Ginny had never felt this full. Harry’s massive manhood easily reached the entrance of her womb, stimulating her cervix. And it wasn’t just the length either, this was possibly the fattest cock Ginny ever had the privilege of taking. Its girth easily spread Ginny’s poor pussy to its limits.

Harry meanwhile was marvelling at just how bloody tight Ginny’s cunt was. Even Tonks, who could shapeshift, didn't have a pussy this snug. It was almost impossible to move inside of Ginny’s cunt.

Some time later Harry would find out about the marvellous effects quidditch training had on the tightness of pussies.

For a moment neither one moved, both simply enjoying the sensation of each other’s bodies. Then, slowly at first, but faster with every second, Ginny began to ride Harry.

Ginny was bouncing on Harry’s thick dick, her tanned hands were on her lover’s abs. Harry was leisurely groping Ginny’s tight behind, playing with her muscular ass, occasionally giving her a hard slap or two. The ginger haired temptress arched her back, rolling her hips while the entrance to her womb planted lewd kisses every time Harry’s cock slammed into it.

Ginny hissed.

“Yes. Fuck, right there!” She moaned. “Your cock is so fucking huge!”

For a moment Harry hoped he won. That Ginny broke herself on his cock just like that.

No such luck.

Ginny grinned at him, seeing him being overwhelmed by pleasure.

“You like that, lover boy?” She asked as she rolled her hips, milking Harry’s cock with her strong cunt muscles. “Ready to give it up?”

Harry grit his teeth, unwilling to lose to this harlot.

“Think unsexy, vile thoughts.” Harry thought. “Aunt Marge. Dudley’s socks. Dursleys’ having sex.”

Harry felt something shrivel up and die inside of him as he continued summoning up disgusting images.

It was unfortunate that Ginny was just as committed to winning.

“That’s right, you big man.” She moaned into his ear, her hot breath caressing the skin of his neck. “Don’t you want to cum in me? My pussy is on fire and there’s only one thing that can quench it.”

Harry groaned and tried to look away, but Ginny grabbed the sides of his head. With ardent passion Ginny forced a kiss on Harry.

“Mhmm, mghm.” The two moaned as they swapped spit.

Ginny’s hard nipples scraped against Harry’s chest.

Finally the two separated, though a thin strand of saliva still connected them. Ginny pressed her forehead against Harry’s. They were so close their breaths mingled.

“Won’t you cum, Harry?” She asked, her voice low and sultry. “Won’t you mess up my tight little pussy?”

Harry should have held out. He should have kept his strength and maintained his will. But an accidental glance at the door to the cabin showed him that their rendezvous had an audience. A bushy haired girl, red faced, was staring spellbound at his and Ginny’s coupling. When she noticed Harry’s stare, the girl blushed even further and bolted, clearly embarrassed.

That was it, the final straw that broke the camel's back.

“Gnngh.” Ginny choked on her spit when she felt Harry unload in her.

Spurt after spurt of hot virile semen were deposited deep into Ginny’s cunt, painting it white and filling her womb. Ginny knew she would have to make the morning after potion extra strong, least she end up with an unwelcome bun in her oven.

Harry seemed sweet, but Ginny did not want a kid complicating her plans.

Panting, Harry collapsed on the seat. Ginny rolled her eyes. Men.

She grabbed the arm that had the watch. After a brief moment of figuring out how the heck one read muggle watches, Ginny triumphantly showed tired Harry the time.

She won. And with a whole minute remaining too.

Wonder who was the cutie watching her put this cocky wizard in his place. Something for the future.



Any chance of an update?


Update will come. Winter has been a mess but now I am trying to get back into writing more or less consistently.