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If Lily wasn’t so cute, Harry would have had a lot more objections to spending his scarce free time on teaching her. As it were, the sex made these little sessions only marginally tolerable.

Lily was a smart cookie and there was no denying the hard work she put into learning curses and their counters. She just lacked something intangible that separated those that merely knew the things the fighter ought to know and those that fought as if it were second nature to them.

Harry belonged to the latter category. Lily - the former.

And it seemed there was no changing that.

Still Harry did not give up hope of making Lily at least a passable duelist by the end of this year.

Due to her nerves, Lily has trouble concentrating.

A minor hex Harry had leisurely sent at Lily, sailed harmlessly over her head, though her recovery was less than graceful. She misjudged the position of her feet and stumbled, tripped and fell on the floor.

“Are you alright Ms Evans?” Harry asked. There was no hiding the boredom in his voice.

“Yeah.” Came the young woman’s weak, distracted reply.

Now if only Ms Evans could concentrate. Something was off about the redhead today, though Harry couldn’t put his finger on what exactly was the cause of her worse than usual performance.

She kept glancing everywhere but at Harry during their practice duels. The door, the windows, even the fireplace. Each time her eyes would dart away, Lily would blush and stammer and lose concentration needed to perform well even in a low stakes duel such as theirs.

Professor decides to f her to pass the time otherwise wasted.

Whatever the issue was, if she didn’t want to talk about it, Harry wasn’t going to pry. He had an inkling as to the possible cause of Lily’s frustration, but if his guess was right, then he had no intention of making it easier for her. Bellatrix was comfortably in the lead and if Lily didn’t do something soon, Harry was likely going to end the contest and let the Black witch enjoy her prize.

Meanwhile, might as well enjoy his reward for all the time he’d sunk into this lesson.

“Stop.” He commanded. Lily froze. “That’s enough for today. Lose the clothes and come here.” Harry said and unbuckled his trousers.

His cock was stiffening and Harry knew Lily could see the bulge growing closer.

Lily swallowed, rosy blush flooding her cheeks, her ears and the bridge of her nose. There was no hiding the eager spark in her vivid green eyes that were so similar to his.

He has her bent over the desk, fucking her ass while pulling her crimson hair.

She obeyed and started taking off her clothes with the speed and eagerness of a young slut with healthy libido and a hunky older male willing to indulge it. Quickly the young woman appeared before Harry naked, her pale skin flush from the exercise.

Leisurely, Harry approached Lily and grabbed her auburn hair into a tight fist. Gently but with all the inevitability of a glacier, Harry bent the young woman over the desk.

Lily gasped when Harry grabbed the buttplug he’d left her with during their last rendezvous. The redhead witch tried to act tough, but Harry could see her cunt, moist with arousal. Slowly, he pulled it out of the redhead’s ass, leaving behind an already lubricated and prepared booty, ready to be plundered.

Harry’s erect cock was inches away from Lily’s wet cunt lips. The two lovers could feel the heat of each other’s bodies.

“Do you want this?” Harry asked, gently moving his cock across her pussy, delightful friction creating all sorts of pleasures for the two of them.

“Yes, sir. Please fuck your naughty schoolgirl slut.” Lily begged and wiggled her butt, triggering some sort of primal instinct hidden deep in man’s lizard brain.

He transfigures a mirror in front of Lily, making her watch her own defilement.

A rational thought, an idea managed to push through the haze of animalistic lust and caveman instinct. Harry smiled and waved his wand, conjuring a mirror in front of Lily.

It was large. Large enough to see Lily, in all her youthful innocent beauty act like a whore jonesing for a cock.

Harry watched emotions play out on Lily’s face. The fear, the embarrassment, nervous excitement and finally, his favourite - eager slutty acceptance.

“Pleaaase Sir!” She begged and arched her back, pushing up her tight little ass and making it look even more appealing.


The sound of Harry’s palm meeting Lily’s soft pale flesh echoed off the wall of the empty classroom. There was a bright red handprint on one of Lily’s buttcheeks now.

“You don’t get to give orders, slut.” Harry commanded, his gruff tone sending shivers down the young woman’s spine.

He could tell the little whore was enjoying a man in the position of power compared to Lily loom over her, with a fat hard cock throbbing with carnal need.

Harry pressed the tip of his cock to the tight ring of her anus. Lily trembled with fear and excitement in equal measure.

“Shhh.” Harry patted her ass in what he hoped was a comforting gesture…and suddenly thrust his hips forward.

“Gnngh.” Lily groaned.

The buttplug and magical lube were wonderful things but even they couldn’t adequately prepare an asshole for something as massive as Harry’s cock.

Unfazed, Harry continued to push his hips forward, slowly but surely performing this most ancient of magic tricks: vanishing a snake. Inch by inch, he sunk into Lily’s ass until finally his hips pressed against Lily’s ass. He was balls deep inside the redhead slut.

The pair of lovers groaned in pleasure, feeling the heat and the complimentary masculinity and femininity of each others’ bodies.

Harry grabbed Lily, holding her hip with one hand and gathering her loose crimson hair into a makeshift ponytail with the other.

That’s when Amelia Bones barges in, invited by Lily.

Harry was ready to fuck his slut for all she was worth when suddenly the classroom door was slammed open and a furious redhead stormed into the room.

At first Harry almost thought it was Lily, perhaps using a timeturner…but no. The intrude was taller, older and more…built than Harry’s lover. The seventh year student was tall, almost 6 feet and had amazonian proportions. Her auburn hair was of a different shade than Lily’s and was cut into a pixie cut.

“Amelia!” Lily moaned out. “You came!”

Something clicked in Harry’s head. That’s right now he remembered the identity of the intruder. In his defence, Amelia Bones of this timeline looked very different compared to the Head of DMLE he was used to in his original time.

Harry saw Amelia’s eyes lock onto the spot where his cock speared Lily’s poor ass. A cavalcade of emotions played out on the hufflepuff’s expressive face, before settling on anger.

Her face red and with an angry scowl, Amelia whipped out her wand, levelled it on Harry and fired a rather nasty hex.

Harry was impressed with the speed, precision and lack of hesitation the seventh had just displayed. No wonder she was bound to go far as an Auror.

As a teacher, Harry was proud, for all that he couldn’t take credit for Ms Bones’ remarkable demonstration. As a man balls deep in a young slut’s tight little arse, Harry was annoyed.

So perhaps he was feeling a touch too vindictive when he slashed his own wand through the air, catching Amelia’s hex and sending it back at her.

Amelia's eyes widened, surprised to see such advanced technique, but distraction didn’t stop the young witch from dodging the oncoming hex. She let the attack fly past her, her wand already alight with her next spell when suddenly Lily, still happily impaled on Harry’s cock, cried out:

“Wait, Amy. Sto-Gnngh-op!” She stammered and slurred her words when Harry roughly sheathed himself in her ass.

Still wary and with the wand ready, Amelia looked from Harry to Lily.

“Lils what’s going on?” She asked. “You ask me to come here to…what, exactly?”

Amused to see his assumptions confirmed, Harry continued pistoning in and out of Lily’s tight hot ass. He could feel her anal muscles clench around his cock, the company of someone Lily clearly respected making the little perverted exhibitionist tighten up.

“Stop that!” Amelia said, glaring at Harry. There was no mistaking the blush on her cheeks.

“I-I’ve been having additional defence lessons with Professor.” Lily stammered. “I just wanted to introduce you two, because you tried to help me with DADA too.”

Lily lied as naturally as she breathed.

Harry didn’t stop fucking Lily, his balls slapping against her each time he bottomed out.

“Is that what he told you?” Amelia asked Lily, shooting a furious glare at Harry. “That if you sleep with him, he’ll give you good grades?”

“No!” Lily cried out, her reply coinciding with a particularly deep thrust. “He really is good at what he does! I am learning so ah-much!” Lily’s response was a touch ruined by a lewd moan she let out.

Something softened in Amelia’s expression.

“Lily, I know you want to get better, but facts are facts. Magical Combat is just not your forte. Don’t let some creep take advantage of you, please. I bet he’s not that good at defence himself, much less teaching it.”

Well that was rude.

“As amusing as your conversation is, I think I’ll take that bet.” Harry interjected.

He grabbed Lily by her neck and pulled her up without stopping the rutting. Harry eliminated the distance between their bodies, making Lily arch her back. They were so close now, Harry could feel the beating of her heart, could smell her sweat and perfume and feminine arousal. He gently squeezed her neck and flicked her nipples, drawing out a whorish moan of pleasure out the redhead.

“What do you mean?” Amelia asked.

“Simple. We have ourselves a little duel and when I win you’ll spread your nice muscular legs for me.”

“As if you’d win.” Amelia scoffed. “And what do I get when I beat your ass?”

Harry pretended to think for a moment.

“I suppose, if today is the day for pigs to fly, then I’ll relinquish my hold on Lily here and never touch her again. How does that sound?” Harry preempted Lily’s protest by squeezing her neck, choking her.

The little redhead slut enjoyed it, if the way he ass clenched around his cock was any indication.

“Deal.” Amelia said curtly and without warning, launching a spell barrage at Harry.

The seventh year Hufflepuff must have been more impressed by Harry’s abilities than she had let on, but seizing the initiative did not help her much. Without pulling out of Lily, or even stopping their coitus, Harry engaged Amelia in a duel.

A duel that could have only one outcome.


Amelia Bones had never been in a situation such as this: naked, save for her yellow and black Hufflepuff tie, tied up with silken rope that spread her legs and let the whole world see the petals of her flower.

She had always been strong - her pureblood upbringing ensured that. She always had either her family name or her own formidable abilities as a witch to rely on.

This time neither would help her.

She had been beaten, fair and square, and left helpless, naked and without a wand, tied up on the classroom’s cold floor.

Evans was no help. The bitch was apparently in love with the creep taking advantage of her. Certainly she would be no help getting out of this mess. The slut was sitting on a nearby desk, masturbating furiously, while staring at Amelia’s bound body.

Yes, whatever comes next, AMelia Bones was on her own.

Though that wasn’t the worst part.

The worst thing about this rotten mess was the shameful little fact that Amelia Bones was enjoying what was happening to her. A small shameful part of an otherwise strong independent woman was relishing in being made helpless before the might of the dominant male.

Morgana, her pussy was all but salivating at the prospect of everything the Professor could subject her to.

Professor White stepped forward, looming over Amelia. The redhead hufflepuff swallowed nervously, her eyes spellbound to the semi-flaccid phallus pendulously swinging between the Professor’s legs. It was incredible - a weapon of mass bitch breaking that even half hard was bigger and fatter than any cock Amelia had seen before.

Amelia’s blush darkened.

Not that she’d seen that many male penis’. Still she was not an inexperienced woman and what her experience was telling her was that Amelia was well and truly fucked.

Now why did it have to sound so good?

“S-so what?” Amelia stammered, hoping to hide her rising lust with bravado. “You beat me, a girl, and now you will fuck me? Is that the only way you know how to get pussy? Violence?”

She saw Professor simply roll his eyes, as if she were some silly girl and not the future best auror in all of Britain!

Instead of answering, the Professor grabbed his cock and started to stroke it languidly. Amelia couldn’t avert her eyes from the sight before her. She watched, mesmerised as it grew bigger and bigger, its pulsating veins straining against its skin, until it was as large as her wrist and maybe just as thick too!

Amelia swallowed. She had been through all kinds of harsh training, but she knew deep in her heart that this cock, this monumental challenge was beyond her.

And yet she knew with certainty that there was no way she was leaving this classroom without having her tight little holes wrecked by the Professor’s gargantuan bitch maker.

“Prepare her for me.” Professor said, and his deep voice reverberated through Amelia’s entire body.

Then the meaning hit her.

“Wait! Don’-” She tried to call out, but it was too late to stop Lily.

Without a hint of hesitation, Lily dropped to her knees and started orally pleasing Amelia, her nimble tongue lubricating the hufflepuff’s holes for the impending penetration.

Amelia writhed as much as her bonds allowed, but it was no help. Before long, Amelia was hornier than ever and with ass and pussy prepped and ready for a plundering.

“Gnngh!” Amelia choked on her spit when the Professor forced his cockhead past the ring of her anus.

For a moment Professor stayed there, enjoying the way Amelia’s anal muscles tried and failed to make him stop. Then he began to move.

There was nothing gentle or kind or even civilized about the way Professor fucked her. He rutted her like a beast, his mighty cock reshaping her guts to better accommodate his manhood. At that moment she was not a woman with human rights to him. She was merely a female to be conquered.

“Fuck! So big-agh-too big!” Amelia moaned as her body was rocked by Professor’s powerful thrusts.

Professor’s fucking made Amelia’s big tits swing back and forth, enticing the appetite of the Professor. He bent down and began to all but maul Amelia’s tits. He sucked and licked, bit and twisted, motorboated the redhead’s breasts, doing to them everything more than half of Hogwarts population wished they could do.

Waves of ecstasy spread through Amelia’s abused ass all throughout her body, but there was something off. A fly in the ointment that prevented the mountain tsunami of pleasure from sweeping her off her feet.

Her poor untouched pussy was weeping with arousal. Amelia knew she had to satisfy that hunger, lest she remain unfulfilled. With her arms bound, Amelia couldn’t get herself off and Lily was bloody useless as usual. The slut was fingerfucking both of her own holes, forcing digit after digit into her ass and cunt in vain attempt to replicate even an iota of sensation provided by the Professor’s girthy cock.

“T-that’s it? You fuck my ass and that’s as much as you can do?” Amelia let out a shaky, clearly fake sigh of relief. “Whew, I was afraid a brute like you would force his filthy massive cock into my poor tight little pussy, wreck it and fill my empty womb to the brim with his cum.” Amelia said.

Professor let out a laugh.

“Wow, you really are desperate.” He said with a chuckle.

He pulled out of Amelia’s wrecked ass, leaving gaping and piteously alone. His cock, throbbed in the chill air of the autumn classroom, dripping copious amounts of precum on the stone floor. But now Amelia’s eyes were drawn to a different part of the Professor’s anatomy.

His balls.

His ballsack was large, as big as grapefruit, and Amelia didn’t need to feel or smell or taste it to know that it contained incredible amounts of yummy male essence.

“If you want me to knock you up, you simply need to ask.” Professor laughed.

Amelia was now the colour of Lily’s hair, but she said nothing, unable to deny the truth her body was screaming at her.

Professor smiled wolfishly at her and forced his cock to part folds of her cunt, sinking it into her poor starved pussy.

“FUCK!” Amelia screamed as she suddenly found herself so full.

Professor didn’t stop, forcing his cock deeper and deeper with every thrust until his cockhead was planting lewd kisses on her cervix. Amelia shuddered, there was no going back now.

She was perfectly happy with that outcome.

Amelia might have dreamed about being a badass auror, but now other fantasies occupied her mind.

Dreams of motherhood.


Harry looked down at the wonderful sight before him. Lily and Amelia, two redhead sluts, were lying side by side, covered in sweat and with his semen leaking copiously out of all their holes, save for Lily’s cunt.

There was still the contest to consider.

Bella’s gift of her own sister, or Lily’s offering of one Amelia Bones. Now that was a tough dilemma.



In reality he's be busted by Dumbles or McGonagall and possibly kicked out of the school. But I suppose this is porn world logic haha