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Welcome to my Patreon page, and thank you for being my Patron. enjoy exclusive Patron's contents while I work on the next version.

If you have any feedback or question, send message here or to our email, wangweigonggames@gmail.com, or on our discord channel, https://discord.gg/qwHtrAv, just let me know! don't forget to follow our twitter page, https://twitter.com/wwg80s, and our reddit page, https://www.reddit.com/r/Graduated/. thanks! :-) charge upfront & new subscription billing are activated.



Added: 2024-01


Welcome to my Patreon page, and thank you for being my Patron. enjoy exclusive Patron's contents while I work on the next version.

If you have any feedback or question, send message here or to our email, wangweigonggames@gmail.com, or on our discord channel, https://discord.gg/qwHtrAv, just let me know! don't forget to follow our twitter page, https://twitter.com/wwg80s! thanks! :-) charge upfront & new subscription billing are activated.



Added: 2023-06