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thank you for your ongoing support! Below you will find a link to download any of my Patreon content. I usually like to send these packs out quarterly, but I have been a bit behind this year. Please enjoy the work and make sure to download the content you want to keep before July 31st when the link expires. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yacysk6l1bgo9gz/AADN057pQ0nZGHGcZKB0GVIfa?dl=0

Password: HunterUSR87
Published: 2021-05
Hello, your art pack access is now live. Please follow the link below and use your password to view your content tier. 

Password: Explorer0120

If you have any issues accessing your content, please let me know!
Published: 2020-09
A new download link for all past art. After this year all packs will just be smaller monthly downloads, but here is a chance to grab everything and add it to your collection if you would like to do so!


Thank you! 

PS I am so sorry for trying to migrate to OneDrive, that was a nightmare.
Published: 2020-12
thank you for your ongoing support! Below you will find a link to download any of my Patreon content. I usually like to send these packs out quarterly, but I have been a bit behind this year. Please enjoy the work and make sure to download the content you want to keep before July 31st when the link expires. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j6tfunj18c7ey00/AADHDPyONc3KUowfDbmRVmJqa?dl=0

Password: ExplorerUSR91
Published: 2021-05
Here is a link to download the art for the SD+ Alts Anthro Anjanath pic! Testing out a new method of sending and tacking files due to art leaks. Let me know if you prefer a download like this or a standard patreon post.  


Thank you!
Published: 2020-05
thats 100% my bad, I posted that from my iPad and I must have miss-clicked. Should be good now! The final version will be posted today as well. Thank you! 
Published: 2020-08
Hi there, in addition to posting art packs to Patreon I also want to allow folks to grab them from discord. Links to last years art pack and an ongoing living art folder in the archive art section found on Discord. I also send these download packs out on Patreon every few months. This is a test to see if this is a helpful way to provide content. Thank you!

Art Archive Folder Password: HDArtPack_Feb24
Published: 2024-02
Hey folks, here are updated art pack links and passwords. Please be aware that Patreon has been doing weird things to links when they are sent in messages, so there is a high likelihood that it will break the links below. I tried to include an alternate version of the link to see if that fixes the issue, but worst case these links are available over on the discord. 

These links expire so please download anything you want to save. Thank you!




or https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xdgkj0oy0qhxoa731so5x/h?rlkey=epzr12cp2ainuk5kkep9ka5d8&dl




or https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fmitxwuka60jxbrlxfz1j/Explorer.zip?rlkey=0l4wk21795md6l3ke6yfzretm&dl
Published: 2024-03