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is every hurt or pain always a mis-communication?
is every suffering that is created in the world, from a lack of a full picture.
if we could see everyones full life,
be in their shoes,
we would see,
this is how you came to this conclusion,
I understand now,
how you came about this idea,
or this assumption,
or did this action.

could we go through life in a way,
knowing that.

knowing that we will never know an entire story.
the unknown is the only knowing.
even of ourselves,
knowing, if we understood every part of our experience
maybe we would have more empathy for how we became who we became,
for why we decided anything
for why we said anything.
compassion for us all.
for every living being.

we will never know the whole story,
any whole story.
we will never be all knowing,
but because of that,
knowing we will never be all knowing,
do we become all knowing.
the all knowing is the unknowing.

the unknowing
is the all knowing.


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