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i get it

i do

new laces

new shoes

new turtleneck

new treadmill

new day of desire

desire poured into the things you’re told to crave.

new sugar

new phone

new toys

new toys

new toys.

you want newness,

maybe you need newness.

but that newness wasn’t supposed to come in the way we get it now.

it’s supposed to come as we migrate across the earth,

exploring the land and her people,

making every place we touch better because we touched it.

not in staying put on one block and every half an acre having the same 200 pieces of machine or plastic.

the same blender

the same 4 tvs

the same crock pot

the same 3 empty beds.

zoom out and look at our world

look at our homes.

why would we ever need to have a washing machine and dryer for every family.

why on earth would we feel the right way to be is to become more and more isolated as we buy more and more things that are just ripping apart the great green earth.

and then we say

“this is simply growing up and it must be done”

growing into a human being.

what happened to the only way of being that ever truly was the way.

the way of sharing.

the way of waiting your turn,

waiting until someone put something down in order for you to pick it up.

what happened to asking.

what happened to giving.

now we don’t give, we take, and we steal,

and we manipulate others to give us what we want.

or we demand it of them.

no one owes you anything.

and you owe no one anything.

but in our asking we will find the ones who want to help us, who can help us, who love to help us.

but you have to allow others to say no.

you have to allow others the ability to get what they need and to voice what they need to.

i believe we can all have everything we need.

i believe life is abundant.

i believe that we can create heaven on earth now.

i believe money is unnecessary.

i believe that we can stop living in system after system that forces people to pay and fill out paperwork to prove they deserve this money for food.

i believe we can stop living in system after system that forces you to call to get estimates for your car when you crash it, and can instead take it in and see if it is worth being repaired, and if it is not, you have other community cars you can drive whenever you need to, and your car can go to other cars, or your car can be a part of the group of people who are trying to find a way to run cars sustainably. like truly sustainably, finding ways to run off of recycled water. or your totaled cars parts can go to the train system being built in place to have public transportation to every town. so no one is blocked by the lack of having.

i believe in a world where if someone loves to bake, they will bake, and they will give their food to those who need and want it.

the baker will not have to worry about making money off of her food because anything she needs or wants, there is someone who loves and wants to do that, or their are free courses she can take to learn even more creativity.

there are people who love to do everything we need. maybe all of us would love to learn how to do most things.

but we keep knowledge locked away, only for those who can pay for it, only for those with the luxury of time and money.

imagine, if we all simply cared for each other.

if we all just stopped buying all the things that are unnecessary, that we slave for because we are convinced we want to buy it.

we lock ourselves in our own cages now.

most of the jobs that people work are unnecessary.

imagine if we always only built homes similar to that of cob houses? homes that were steadfast, without all the junk of electric and pink death and plumbing on the inside. if roofs didn’t have to be fixed every ten years. if everything we made actually had humanity and the earth in mind.

if every single job we ever did or movement that we made was intentional. aiming to bring more and more life into the world.

imagine if when one family was in need we all came together, we let that family speak of what it is they need, and we all got them it. clean comfortable beautiful housing. meals made and a life doula alongside them helping them learn how to make nutritious delicious meals, a life doula coaching them in how to communicate, how to problem solve and how to view problems as an opportunity for connection.

but to view problems as opportunity for connection,

maybe we need to make sure we are allowing all the time in the world that people need for connection.

do you love to take care of babies? why are you asking for payment then?

do you love to cook for new parents? why require payment then?

i know, it’s because you are scared.

scared that you will not get what you need and so you turn what could be an act of giving and LOVE into a transaction.

you could have everything you need.

all you have to do is ask.

there is nothing to fear.

life is abundant.

love is abundant.

love begets love begets love.

life brings life brings life.

and so the same,

disconnect brings disconnect brings disconnect.

and transaction begets transaction begets mistrust begets mistrust begets us all living in a constant state of fear.

fear we won’t have what we need.

fear we won’t have enough, fear that no one will truly love us.

i want you to ask me for what you want and what you need.

i desire to know.

i desire to find ways for you to get what you need and want. if i can not give it to you, i want to help you search for it.



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