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I mean, we don't think Microsoft is really going to not screw Sony somehow, right?



Ian Kester-Haney

Sony is Screwed. No more exclusive window on Call of Duty packs. The last thing Sony wants is for all platforms to have equality in dlc/micro transactions. Sony has been the king of exclusivity windows. Of anything they deserve this kick in the teeth.

Ross Prillaman

So; I see things from MS point in this matter; Sony has been doing shady exclusive deals for years. To ensure people pick their side; they then release Subpair ports years later normally around the time their gearing up to release a newer version of said IP. We know that sales on Consoles cost the manufacture money. So from MS perspective; if they own the IP and sale it to people and don't have to eat the cost of the console; what are they losing? 20% of there profit? they they don't have to make for the ~$150 for losing a console sale? I think if anything They're looking to sale ammo to both sides of the war. Now they do gain a larger list of games they can put into Game Pass; which honestly if Sony would allow it I'm sure they've love to offer to PS owners. Just like I'm sure they want to offer there Cloud services to Switch. Sony has been the kid in the play ground kicking sand and telling everyone else not to. There list of Complaints was just a list of all the things they've been accused of over the last few years. So far MS has been pushing for an more open Community.


Ya, this. It's really hard to take Sony seriously when they're complaining about anti-competitive actions and potentially being exclusived out of prized games. Sony was the one that largely invented that particularly sport.