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Yeah... it's not a good patch that feels good.




And thiiiiiiis is why I didn't bother picking up D4. I have *zero* faith in Blizzard's ability or willingness to properly develop a game, especially post-release.

John Brand

I *really* don't understand the hate. Blizzard does as good a job as most and better than many at keeping their games updated. I don't always agree with their design choices, but they do not let a game die from neglect. Diablo IV is a better game than III and I played the hell out of III. I expect to be enjoying IV for years to come.


Diablo 4's 1-100 leveling was already a bit of a slog, with few "end game" activities interesting enough to carry the amount of time required. This patch universally slowed things down even further: -nerfing XP bonuses for tackling harder monster -increasing the amount of health monsters have in coop, negating any XP bonus you got by being able to kill them faster with friends -making helltides harder and slower -across the board nerfs to every class, even the ones considered already in a bad place -making their much-touted open world even worse for leveling -drastically slashing damage boxes for things like crit and vulnerable, weakening many existing builds people had already farmed gear for. Nerfs and balance tuning are a natural part of any game like this. But this patch is almost universally, blatantly, attempting to slow things down (I guess in some manufactured attempt to make people play longer?) If you can't understand why slowing down a game that already felt a little too slow and grindy feels really bad to players, I don't think there's anything I can say to help you see it.