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Gilles Volluz

Yeah, it's always fun (and also a bit easy) to make fun of SC. I'm pretty amazed at how much they get by so many people to get on going with a super top budget for years for building a game... they do have, thanks to that, an impressive level of freedom to do what Chris Roberts *thinks* is the right thing, and they really are quite transparent about it all. A cynic would say that a typical Roberts' line like "We take the time we think is right to make that game the most awesome spacesim ever", uttered year after year, is slowly sounding like "We're milking you dumbasses as long as we possibly can and then we'll retire rich" but heck, I'm not a cynic so, who cares :P I did put some dough in it for a while, got me some ships, and still play from time to time to see the evolution. Even made it to have a friend play once, and it was pretty cool. It's a pretty impressive alpha. If it goes out one day, it's probably gonna be the "Privateer-like to kill all Privateer-likes" and a hell of a MMO-sth. I mean, it's a spacesim sandbox (granted, only one solar system for now, but it's big enough), and there's *no* loading screen. Everything is seamless, you wake up in your bed, FPS your way to some hangar or docking bay, potentially going from standard walking FPS to EVA-movement FPS, then climb in your cockpit/enter your ship, move around in it as you would do in real life if it's big enough (and some are massive), take off, fly to some planet (potentially dogfighting your way to it, and that with a sim engine that is magically complex enough to please the simmer, and simple enough to please the beginner, that's an impressive feat too), enter the planet's atmosphere and then [insert here hours of gaming solo or with people, doing missions, doing shit, doing crazy things]... All the while, no-freaking-loading-screen. This is an impressive gaming engine to say the least. Probably the most impressive I've ever seen, and I've been playing (mostly PC) games since around 1988... But that level of 'immersiveness' ... that's a bit what I fear about SC and Roberts' grandiose vision. Everything is made to make the game wonderfully immersive, lifelike so to say. Which is somehow fun, impressive, and interesting. No better way of RP-ing yourself into a game than that, don't get me wrong. But it takes time away from actually playing what the *core* game was supposed to be, i.e. a spacesim. And adding the FPS part has the result that the solo campaign (which was my personal aim from the beginning) will end up being probably 50/50% FPS/spacesim instead of 100% spacesim... and that really pisses me off, to be frank. As an aside to that, I currently play Rebel Galaxy Outlaw on the Switch (because I was still craving a "Privateer-like" ^^). Of course it's technically a lot less impressive (that's not hard) but it does what you'd expect of a Privateer-like spacesim à la 90s. Without commuting. Just saying.

Martin Seeger

I got a lot of entertainment from my Kickstarter money. So I am a happy customer..