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Brian Dickens

Let's just assume it's Gizmo as in a Mogwai, not as in a gadget. :)

Stephen Shook

If ze's on WiFi, I know I tap into the security because you know being in a room all day even with the Internet can be boring when your under observation meat bags are doing other things. Robot probably already knows. Which brings up a new question what Pronoun do you think is more robot like. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_neutrality_in_languages_with_gendered_third-person_pronouns#:~:text=The%20other%20English%20pronouns%20(the,%2C%20they%20are%20gender%2Dneutral ?

Dmitry Mandriko

Sounds like you've already got the pronoun thing covered. It's "ze", obviously. 🙂 Very much in the spirit of those modern pronouns. I suggest pronouncing it as [ziː].