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Bram Baert

Brave to taken on this topic. Thumbs up

Stephen Shook

I am actually hoping this arc will show the healing side of videogames as well. With common weapon access incidents like this are going to happen. Videogames where, in majority, designed to entertain and, to be frank, addict. Weapons were designed to be efficient at what they do in a certain context. With how easy a hermit lifestyle is today their maybe no one to see the signs. Then it's really simple to get the means to make a bad decision then it is to get the help to prevent it. As I was writing this it be nice if by the end of the Arc Elijah starts helping work against isolation and Videogame addiction.

Chris Kozanecki

I have to agree with this. Video games have a great place in my heart because its how I found my wife, but all too often they are given a ton of blame for the bad that happens in the lives of troubled teens. Between access to guns; climate change of "playtime" moving towards electronic, indoor activities; and the reluctant acceptance that school shootings are a common thing now; too many children are starting to think that video game isolation followed by retaliation is OK. We need more effort to provide healing outlets for these children and education on coping with arguably the worst years of life (puberty, bullying, teen problems) while also making it harder for this segment of the population to get access or justify the school violence. I cant wait to see where this arc goes.