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Brian Dickens

It's daring to touch a subject like this, by the way. Lots of opinions in society about video games and their link (or not) to violent behaviour. Personally, I think in so called "video game shootings" the video games are a symptom and not the cause of the issue. Someone already broken takes to video gaming, instead of video gaming leading someone to be broken. If video games really cause people to become violent, I'd expect a lot more violence in the world...


for the most part, I'm a firm believer that parents not educating themselves on the games their children want or at least heeding the rating info is the big issue. with lets plays for pretty much every popular title, it is pretty easy to look up a questionable game beyond a couple of trailers. there really isn't any strong arguments otherwise in my opinion. however I could be wrong & I would be happy to consider a currently unknown viewpoint.