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So I just hit 100 Patrons today =D I just wanted to thank you guys so much for the support, it truly means the world to me. When I started this project I thought I'd maybe get 10 or 12 patrons, and some minor interest. I'm so thrilled that I can actually call this project a job, and honestly considering doing future game development projects. Thanks so much everyone, this is a huge milestone for me and I can't wait to get back to a proper work schedule. I hope that can create a game that everyone is happy with, and will enjoy. I know updates have been sparse recently, but that will be changing in the next two days. I have 1 more wall of baseboard to do (which will be done tonight) then just rebuilding my furniture and doing a bit of paint touch ups. It'll be a huge but welcome change to be finally done with this 4 month long reno.


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