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So, by now you all know what's going on and that I'm not really planning any videos until I get to my new place....but Batman is coming out on HBO on the 19th....lol 

So I thought as a small thank you to everybody who donated to my GoFundMe and to you,  my Patrons, that I would do this special Movie Night for everybody!

Please let me know if you don't like the idea of everybody getting this at the same time, I don't want to step on the heels of my Patrons, but this would be a one off thing due to extreme circumstances. 

So let me know what you think and we'll get into some Battinson!





Sounds great! I knew you guys would be cool with it! I can't wait, even though it is still a week away! And good news, I'm working on this week's Killing Eve today! so I should have it up for tomorrow or Thursday!


Does anybody know if this is a musical? I would love to hear Batman belting out some showtunes! haha