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*Until I Get Settled In My New Apartment

SO! I just got the good ol' eviction notice from my POS landlord (need to be out by May 7th) so I am going to do 1 more Movie Night for you guys before I'm going to have to scale back operations until I get resituated in my new place (wherever that may be!)

So if you guys want to do a poll, or if you all decide on one in the comments here, its up to you!

Another bit of unfortunate news, I announced this in a comment, but 'Orphan Black' will not be returning until I move. With three shows I'm already struggling to keep up with during all this, it wouldn't be sensible to add that 4th. I do feel that I left off on a decent spot, no real cliffhangers, it felt almost like a soft ending for the series, so taking a break at this point would be perfect timing. Trust me, I don't like this decision, especially just hitting 1k and getting Partnered, but my move is just the tip of the stress iceberg, you can't even begin to imagine what's going on under the waves lol....(stressed laughing lol)

So please let me know your picks below and if you want to do a poll I'll put one up tomorrow or Monday!

Thanks guys!




ok guys, things have gotten exponentially worse in the last few hours, so I may be taking that break sooner than I anticipated. Once the dust settles tonight I will try to put together a video explaining things, its just not safe to do at the moment.

Niels-Erik Schollert

Damn, doesn’t sound good, hope all settles down soon Dustin


I'm planning on making a short video tomorrow explaining everything. Take what you are expecting and magnify it 100x.