Illusion Modding API v1.13.2 (Patreon)
This is an API designed to make writing plugins for recent UnityEngine games made by the company Illusion easier and less bug-prone. It is required by many plugins to work.
What's new?
v1.13.2 - Minor fixes and improvements again.
v1.13.1 - Minor fixes and improvements.
v1.13 - Added KKAPI.Studio.UI.CustomToolbarButtons - API to add new toggle buttons to the left toolbar in studio (check preview pic); Misc fixes and improvements.
v1.12.4 - Implement missing accessory copying event in AIS/HS2 (Fixes losing MaterialEditor data when copying accessories).
v1.12.3 - Fixed a regression that caused KK_StudioSceneSettings to stop working.
v1.12.2 - Bugfixes for HS2 and AIS and new APIs required for an upcoming update to AIS/HS2 BrowserFolders.
v1.12.1 - Many bugfixes for HS2 and AIS mostly related to issues with clothes data getting lost/overwritten in main game. I really hope I won't have to deal clothing card bugs again 😅
v1.12 - Added support for HoneySelect2
How to install
- Download the latest release for your game. Warning: You only need the version specific for your game (check the prefix, for example KK = for Koikatsu). Downloading version for the wrong game or multiple versions will break things!
- Install the latest version of BepInEx 5.0 and BepisPlugins. If MoreAccessories is used, make sure it is up to date as well.
- Extract the archive into your game directory. The .dll file should end up inside BepInEx\plugins.