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While I kept the HF Patch for KK and KK Party up to date, the patches for EC and AI-Girl fell behind because I focused on updating and fixing plugins. Sorry about that! I think should update these two patches since they are becoming too outdated to be useful.

  • The EC patch will most likely require fixing some plugins to make them work again in the new game update and BepInEx versions. I might port some other plugins while I'm at it. This means a bunch of EC content for some time.
  • The AI patch should take much less effort. It will most likely be a "for newcomers" patch that only has the essential plugins. Its main use will be to update and clean the game, and for newcomers to get started with modding the game.
  • Third option is to skip updating the patches for a bit more and work on new plugins instead. I'm not including the KK patch because there are not enough mod updates yet, I will work on it later.

Which one would you like me to work on next?



You need to use SB3U https://github.com/enimaroah/SB3Utility/releases


It works just fine. Open the asset files related to the .resource like you would in KK and AI.

Forgotten Reach

I woud love to see more hair styles for AI but My google fu suck and I cant find anyplace with mods for this game x~x are you going to add some mods if you update the AI patch?


how to turn on a strap-on


hey ManlyMarco so when I start the game without the Koikatsu HF Patch I have all the h scenes but after i installed Koikatsu HF Patch i lose some h scenes so I thought I install something wrong so i reinstall the game and try again and well it happened again i lose some h scenes again


Maybe you were using kplug, it adds some positions. Sorry for the slow reply.