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In-game inspector, editor and interactive console for applications made with Unity3D game engine. It's designed for debugging and modding Unity games, but can also be used as a universal trainer. 

What's new?


  • Re-added text edit field to color editor, now has both sliders and text input
  • Fixed closing and reopening duplicating objects in scene object list


  • Added improved field editors to inspector (Easier to edit some types of variables now, most notably enums and colors)
  • Added Mouse Inspector function (Can hover mouse over objects with colliders to view info about them and to select them in scene browser. Based on function from CppExplorer)
  • Fixed Scene Browser not scrolling to the selected object properly


  • Added setting for optional dnSpy arguments
  • Fixed showing errors in repl console in the middle of typing a command
  • Fixed inspector crash after clicking Close All
  • Fixed readonly fields being shown as editable (editing them didn't work, now they can't be edited)


  • Improvements to how well search boxes search
  • Prevent crashes when using the simple profiler
  • Many fixes and improvements to inspector, should no longer completely crash in rare cases
  • ...and more, check the full changelog here 


  • Fixed REPL not being able to access internal members (updated mcs)
  • Fixed some inspector layout issues


  • Added component search box to object browser
  • Added tabs to inspector (right click to open in new tab and to close tabs) 
  • Added ability to turn off REPL window
  • Many bugfixes and improvements (view full changelog)

How to use

  1. Install BepInEx v5.0 or later if you don't have it already. You can download it here.
  2. Download the latest build below. Make sure to get the correct version for your BepInEx.
  3. Extract the BepInEx folder from the archive directly into your game directory (you should already have a BepInEx folder there from previous step). Replace files if asked.
  4. To turn on press the F12 key when in-game. A window should appear on top of the game. If it doesn't appear, check logs for errors.

View source code and readme 



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