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So last month I was trying to do some level layout drafts for the full game, but I was have some trouble really trying to plan them out I was clouded by things and cause I over worry about scale and flow of the levels when the first things to do in drafting some levels out is to take some rooms set some small rules and then try and make as many random combinations of those rooms as you can. Then afterword I look at what are the mains goals of the level, and see which level draft I created works best, do any edits so the level flow nicely and then fill in the remaining bit with obstacles and traps.

Anyway I'm happy to say that yester day I created 25 different level combinations, and sense the game is planed to have some where between 10-20 levels, I go t a good amount of combinations to look through, probably in the next couple of days you will see some more update on these level layouts later.



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