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Mindwipe Island 1 (plus poll)

  • Play along with characters voting like the audience 19
  • Keep audience votes separate from character votes. 40
  • 2023-05-11
  • 59 votes
{'title': 'Mindwipe Island 1 (plus poll)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Play along with characters voting like the audience', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Keep audience votes separate from character votes. ', 'votes': 40}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 11, 17, 22, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 59}


I just finished writing the first part to what may be a short or long series depending on how it goes... I'm interested in trying to write a solvable mystery so this will be practice for that. I'll probably put up polls with these parts to determine who people think the villain is.

One thing I am iffy on, is if the polls should affect anything. On the one hand, it would be neat to have the results of the poll decide who gets "voted guilty" by the characters in the story and have the story go until everyone is enthralled or the villain is caught.

On the other hand, since people here would generally want to see the mind control happen, it might be a poor reward to have the story end when the audience guesses the correct answer.

So, I'll let you guys decide; do you want to play along in the polls or just have the polls be purely "How many people guessed the answer at each part?"


Florida Man's Neighbor

so this is happening between the events of spiral clickers 1 and 2? I'll take it. Makes visualizing and learning names easier. As for the poll, I don't want the reveal until the very end. There's the smug satisfaction of knowing damn well who it is, but also if you make me second guess myself you add so much tension. Anyway, here's my thoughts on the mystery: Amber: Perfect red herring. She gets under everyone's skin and makes everyone suspect her, probably in the hopes that the villain will use her as cover and save her for last. That said, she did help enslave her boss and friends even though Mia did so much more, so I'll keep her under consideration. Kathryn: Didn't want to admit it, but she's here because the moment she heard mind control, she thought it was too hot to back down. Cant rule her out though, for obligatory "The butler(maid) did it" situations. Janis: Not really sure why you picked her, but she didn't really get a chance to make an impression on me until she was too much of a bimbo to be the villain here. Can't rule her out, but she's not a prime suspect either. Jill: I don't have much to say about her. She did spread the player's influence over the air, but will she have the opportunity to do that here? The fact that nobody recognized her makes me think that they've all been brainwashed not to know each other, which is why coworkers don't know each other. "Sally": I'm a little confused on this one. Is it Sally or Candice? At first you described her as brown haired like sally, but then she switched to black in time to introduce herself, and her occupation lined up with Candice. Susan: Not sure what to make of her. I'll have to keep reading to get a better vibe check.


Ah, the black hair is a mistyping, sometimes the totally wrong word comes out... I'll fix that, it is meant to be Sally. Basically as this takes place some years after SC1 their lives have advanced some. Which is why Amber owns her own record store now rather than being an employee at the college, and Sally now has become a librarian. Some others like Susan and Janis are still in the exact same occupation as they were already doing the careers they wanted.

Florida Man's Neighbor

oh ok, I thought Amber was just lying. I do have to wonder though, to what extent do they remember that they're already enslaved? (Don't actually answer that. I normally appreciate how open you are with sharing lore and plans, but you gotta be a little more coy for this one lol)