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The exact mechanics of how the game will work will probably change with some playtesting, but the broad strokes of how the story will work and how the game will play I have figured out mostly. So that's what I'm going to be going over in this post. There is one question that I'll get to at the end that seems important to the concept.


The world you live in is one of manipulation, subterfuge, and control. The ability to control others has become so common place anyone with an eye for world conquest and the drive to pursue their goals could succeed... For a few minutes...

Of course the world would hardly function if leadership changed hands every twenty minutes. Almost by necessity, the games began... Tournaments between anyone with the ambition to take control. There was just one rule... When the games begin again, all previous participants are freed.

Simple... But effective. Before long everyone came to an understanding. If you want to gain influence you play the game. Those who try to control others outside of the game NEVER get their minds back...


The game would feature a series of matches against other controllers. Your goal in each match would be to either make them submit "willingly" by reducing their will and increasing their temptation until temptation to submit exceeds their remaining willpower. Or make them submit "forcefully" by increasing your power over them until your power over them exceeds their maximum willpower. 

Different kinks would have different ways of playing. For example, cards based around BDSM would focus on punishments, and ways of binding the opponent physically, wearing down their willpower. Cards based around Bimbofication would focus on sex appeal and pleasure rewards, increasing temptation. Different kinks will likely synergize well with kinks that share similar concepts, while kinks that are very different might not synergize so well. 

As you progress, you would gain power by making those you conquer work for you, (effectively turning them into cards to add to your deck) and you would try to reach as high as possible. Increasing your ranking, influence and wealth as you reach higher levels. 

Now, for the question for the poll. I would like to include cards that implant sex act compulsions. For example, it seems quite logical to include a cock sucking compulsion; but that raises the question; who's cock is getting sucked here? There are several ways to do it so I'm putting up this poll to see what the most preferable way to handle it would be. 


Nathan.Eilisha Shiraini

What about having a futa player character, up to the player's choice?


If we go the futa route, the implication would be that if you choose to include cocks in your deck, that your character is either futa by default or has the power to become futa.

Wild Bill

Honestly ignoring the fantastical nature of mind control, that sounds about as realistic as the perennial idea that we should replace war with boxing matches between heads of state. How would it be enforced, and why would anyone with ambition bother controlling people that they would only be able to keep for five minutes?


Its the "Getting your mind back" thing that helps enforce it. Someone who tries to circumvent the game and gain control on their own terms would soon find themselves being subdued by the next person who gets one up on them and they would lose their will forever. Gaining influence through the game ensures that even if you lose, you get your mind back later, and if you win, you can be relatively secure in the knowledge that you won't get backstabbed ten minutes into your reign.

Wild Bill

Doesn't make any sense to me. Getting killed is *also* permanent, and also easy, but people with ambition don't let that stop them. The way I see it, "The Game" is only going to be for cowards. And that is still without answering who exactly is going to force people to release their thralls after the game is over.


I mean, killing someone is easy now, yes. But you can't just think someone to death from your living room. Basically, its *so* easy to attack someone, via magic, tech, or other means that anyone with enough time can take anyone else down in a surprise attack. The winners release their thralls to participate again because its security for them. If they refuse to cooperate, the agreement everyone has to not just permanently brainwash each other falls apart and the people who refused end up mindless and cycle out of the pool of people with ambition.

Wild Bill

Exactly. It would all fall apart as soon as someone decides they don't want to wait their turn and attacks the winner anyway. What security does playing by the rules actually give anyone against this?


Well, if someone attacks the winner and takes over, people who prefer the old system would attack the usurper and would restore the mind of the old winner to start the next game, but would leave the usurper mindless. Over time, you'd kinda run out of people who try to circumvent the rules because its only the ones who do that who end up permanently enslaved.

Wild Bill

No you wouldn't, because people are being born constantly. Humanity is not a closed pool of people.


Yeah but new people being born would be raised in that new environment. It would essentially be like "If you want to have power, participating in these tournaments and dominating others leads to gaining power. Taking a shortcut and trying to usurp the previous game's winners leads to you being in charge for a day then mindlessly mopping floors for eternity for whoever took you down and restored the status quo."

Professor Morde

glad to see we all had the idea for traditional "haremization" option where we can choose to be male or female with the rest of the game being female in gender

Damien Jacobs

C has potential for multiplayer.


Truth be told, with some alternate swappable sprites/alternate card art this is doable through an options menu in a sort of "all of the above" situation. For instance, you'd usually fight a futa, but you have futas disabled so you instead get an alternate form that's just a regular girl with a strap-on and some toys. Next fight you face what would usually be a guy, but you've disabled male opponents so you face another girl with more toys. Next run you enable guys but turn on feminization, so you finish the fight and he's left there in drag/transformed into a woman before you move on. You can still use the same decks and encounters, all that would change is the sprites and card art, maybe a few names if those are displayed. Could even work for multiplayer as long as the game realizes that the cards are the same and just keeps track of which spriteset to use for each player independently of the actions (e.g. the cards are the same whether they use the one with a dick or a sex toy).