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Pink Tea just gave me a shout out. So I figured I'd return the favor; even if I am much smaller than they are. xD 

So, Pink Tea also does erotic games, in the trainer genre; games like Elven Conquest 1 and 2 and pussy trainer, with animated sex scenes and humorous writing. The animation is smooth and bouncy, and the art looks good. 

They put out their games on Newgrounds for free so if you want to check their work out on their newgrounds profile here https://pinktea.newgrounds.com/


Pink Tea Games is creating Adult Games | Patreon

Hello there. In a nutshell I make erotic games. Completed projects: - Slave Lord - Slave Lords Of The Galaxy - Bonds Of Ecstasy (short game) - Maid Service (Short audio game) - Elven Conquest At the moment I'm working on Elven Conquest part 2 (Available for $3+ patrons), another adventure game set into the world of magic, elves, dungeons and other bits of naughtiness.


Damien Jacobs

do you know of any that are femdom/playersub?


I am not sure if any are; a lot of trainer genre games though are fairly exclusively player-dom.


Damien, take a look at Noir Desir's "Thinking About You", which has some of that. I'm not even into that particular fetish but I dig the game just because the writing is good and the renders are very attractive.