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Here's the public release for Adventure High 0.57. If you can vote on newgrounds, every vote helps it's discoverability. 

You can also find the latest public release on Itch.io and Gamejolt

Here: https://hypnochanger.itch.io/adventure-high-hentai-game

And here: https://gamejolt.com/games/adventure-high/191489

Here's what's new in this version:

- 2 scenes added for Succubus Molly plotline.

- 6 girls added to Alternate feeding for Molly.

- 2 scenes added for Monster Fun Plotline.

- 4 monsters added to Ranch.

- 1 scene for Broken Molly plotline added.

- 1 scene for Molly Willing Slave plotline added.

- 1 scene added for Angie.

- 1 scene added for Angie Booked plotline.

- 1 slave chatter added.

- Rubber Naga, Flower Girl, Slime Girl, and Aquatic girl sprites updated.

- Boss theme music added to Monster Girls plotline, during Ashley Duel.

- 1 scene added for Ashley Romance plotline.

- 2 scenes added for Julia being possessed.

- 1 scene added for Ashley being possessed.

- Rosa now able to do the Bimbos Gone Wild plotline.

- 3 scenes added to Dolly/Rosa plotline


Adventure High 0.57

Use your gift of Control Magic to become a hero... Or villain!



I'm a Mac guy, so the .exe formats you're exporting aren't great for me. I either need to play it on the web, or if you export it as an old-fashioned .swf (or equivalent). Even the embed-swf.org you link to wants an .swf file, not an .exe. Newgrounds is fine for now, but it'd be great to be able to download it as well, now that browsers are getting very anti-Flash.


Yeah, the link you go to when you click the banner leads to newgrounds.


2 Questions: 1. what is the broken molly line? 2. how do i get the 3 new dolly/rose scenes?


Broken molly occurs if you have hte worst possible date with her, or Jane tries and fails to have you enslave her with the contract. The new doll/rosa scenes art triggered by asking Julia for intel on Sarah.


ok, i still dont havent figured out how to get the rose/doll scenes...


after the latest scenes, you get intel on Sarah from Julia in the library; she will warn you that she senses that Sarah is being controlled by the outfit and you can choose to do something about it, or not.


the last scene being her (mis-)using the furniture?


nevermind... you have to take the outfit AWAY from her... my mistake. (in my defence it is 4:45 am)


Anyone figured out what to do with Kate/Rescue Girl?


The walkthru says that if I talk to Brit for the first time with Normal Julia in the party I can get her (if I ask about ears). That didn't work for me. Julia is a slave; does "Normal Julia" mean not a slave? Or am I doing something wrong?


That's great and it lets me play on the web, but I'd prefer to download. Is there a way to make the .swf downloadable, instead of being tied into an .exe ?

Celius Genesia

How did you enslave Julia? Doing it different ways might leave her in different personalities by default.


One more question: Val was freed by Tiff, but I got her enslaved again. But now she isn't in the party. I have a botload of slaves that seem like they should be able to fight (Ashely, Cass, Val, ...) but only Sarah is still in the party. This is making the dungeon pretty hard to win. How does one add people to the party? I feel like I should be able to do it from the Enter-menu, but I can't.


OK, found out in the discord you're supposed to throw spells on her when you first meet. I didn't have charm or flirt at the time, so I was probably screwed. Be great if content-blocking stuff like that could be revisited if you didn't go on a route. For example, if running into Kate you take no action to get on a date or enslavement path, it shouldn't hurt to cause her to reappear once in a while. It is soooo easy to block yourself from good content, and not being able to save once an encounter starts (and lack of autosave) makes for a lot of frustration.


Kate has a limited number of scenes at the moment, as she's one of the newest characters that have been added.

Geoff Heimos

I meet all the requirements to enslave Kate, but she isn't showing up in the room when i teleport back