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Hello everyone. Been a while since my last signal boost post. Decent Monkey is getting ready for a new release of his game, Fashion Business, later this month and wanted to exchange shout outs. I'm always up for helping out other H-Game Devs, as there aren't enough of us around, so here I am shouting out. :P

I usually try to be a bit informed about things that I recommend, so I gave the demo a try. The 0.04 version is available for free which is always nice. The game plays as a point and click adventure and visual novel; you interact with the environment and move around the world by clicking on objects, people, or exits, and can make choices about how the plot progresses with RenPy's usual dialogue choice system. 

There is a system in place which appears to control Monica's attitude; being nice to people decreases her "Bitchiness" stat, and the opposite increases it. At least in the beginning she seems to come off as judgemental and petty; but this mechanic, combined with also controlling other character's actions implies to me that you aren't exactly playing *as* Monica, and your decisions on what different characters do while you are following them will pay off later as their attitudes play into how they act in later scenes. 

There is a power dynamic aspect as well; but a more realistic one based on financial and industry related power balances. At least, as far I have had played, I did not see any supernatural elements at play. 

The art in the game looks pretty good for an indie project. Personally, I often find that indie projects are not able to quite pass the uncanny valley with 3D models, but the ones used in this game seem to be good enough that I don't find it distracting. Your mileage may vary, as art is subject to taste. 

Anyways, if you'd like to check his work out, you can find his patreon page and the demo for the game here: https://www.patreon.com/decentmonkey




There are plenty of h-game developers around, the amount of really good ones is a bit lacking though. :p If we exclude VNs you are totally right that there are too few around ^^

Wild Bill

I get the impression that this game is about you being degraded and humiliated, which I'm *really* not into; is this accurate?


Well, as far as I've played and read, the protagonist is not really "you". "you" take the role of an observer who can choose how events play out. But it is easy to get into the mindset of playing as whoever you are following, and in that case you might not enjoy the humiliation aspect.