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Spiral Clicker 0.13 is finished, and up for Patrons now. Here's what's new in this version of the game: 

- Jessica Added to game.

- 5 CGs added for Jessica.

- 10 Convos added for Jessica.

- 1 Convo added for Generic City Girls.

- 9 convos for Dianne added.

- 2 convos for Cassie added.

- Voice Volume controls added.

- Voice option added to HypnoSettings

- Voice added to Deepener 1, and 2

- Voice added to Wakeup 1 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

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Sergei Kotlar

Bug: Jessica once discovered, doesn't appear at the main screen with all other girls...


Very nice update, Changer! I espcially liked Dianes Story and I am excited for the continuation of Cassie´s story in the next update(s). Two problems though: For some reason the bubble to see the Generic City Convo for the Nurses appeared over the police station instead of the hospital. Also when trying to unlock Jessica, for some reason the amount of willpower for the initial willbreaking after the intro scene is that of Leena (the amount of willpower for willbreaking at Leenas current level is requiered) instead of Jessicas, even though Jessicas Sprite is properly displayed in the mindbreak scene. Also after finishing the initial willbreaking I go to the Status screen of Leena and i cant unlock Jessica (the bubble in City conquest respawns though so the introduction scene is always resetting).


I have a a few problems of my own, some of the story for Diane had messed up text boxes, and Cassie didn't have any conversations at all (live Version) further more I also had teh same issue with Jessica


True also happended to me in the download version (i knew those stories beforehand from the stream on picarto) For one, Cassies conservation past the first two don´t trigger and there is no speechbubble.. For Diane one textbox in her third convo (the first with her belly dancer outfit) is messed up and looked like, two textbox overlapped there. Something similar happens in a textbox on her very last convo. Also the green backround for the textbox on her last CG is missing so the black text is directly on the CG and hard to read.

Graeme Cracker

Are Catherine's convos finished?


is there a download link for this? and is there an andriod apk link for this as i would like to have this on my phone


I like Diannes convos , though how is jessica supposed to be triggered? i did have the nurse convos( though there seems to be a bug, that after pearling, you cannot listen to the office,police or nurse convo again


Kathrine´s Convos were already finished in the last update


There is a Download link directly below the gamescreen on the blogspot site (the "Download Here"-button; the dowload.file is a .rar-file which needs a appropriate Programm to unzip, but there are freeware programms for that). And there still isn´t a Android app since Changer wanted to finish the game (especially the coding issues) before doing this (How do people manage to ask the same question under every single update released?).


The speechbubble for Jessicas Intro scene seem to appear after having at least 5000 Loyalty in City Conquest (the number besides the building in the City screen), which means you need to willbreak 100 Girls in the City Conquest. Tbh though I am not exactly sure about this number since i already had a gamesafe with this number in city conquest and i got the scene instantly. Though afterwards a bug happens after seeing the intro scene for her (see above). Also the problem with the missing scences after resetting also happened to me.


No problem. I did not mean to sound offensive or anything so no reason to apologize.


Adding onto this, If you go to the nurse scene before getting Jessica, it seems that you can't get her period. At least in my experience, anyway.


that is an odd bug, I'll keep trying to figure these issues out.


The prices for regaining levels after a reset (at least for the pearl girls) go into the octillions way before they should; jumping straight from low trillions.


for the purpose of testing, do you know what level around about that it suddenly jumps like that?


Differs for each one. DH jumps at aprox. 1475, Nanshe at aprox. 1425, Dianne at aprox. 1400, Hypno-tan at aprox. 1375, Larelle & Sophia at aprox. 1350, Naomi & Ms. Rack at aprox. 1325, Elkantar & Aiko at aprox. 1300. Some of the later ones jump from 1 Quadrillion, but still.


I actually had something like this happening to me for Larelle while leveling her normaly (with +1 for new levels), though for now not for any other girl. Her price to Level-up 2517->2518 suddenly skipped from around 30T to 31 Sep. Don´t know what caused it, my total level were around 93500 Levels (and all achievement beside 100000 Levels), i had 4100 pearls and all girls, including Elf kingdrom unlocked, if this helps. Upgrades for spiral and mouse were at Level 186. Still haven´t resetted since the new upgrade, so i dont know how it acts there.


Some small textbox problems with Jessica: In her third, fourth and fifth CG convo the text is messed up at one point and it looks like the text is overlapping there. Also in her third and fourth non-CG convo the textis too long and leaves the textbox on the right side. Its not too much of a problem but it makes the reading harder. Anyways thank you for the work on bugfixing.


bug: in Dianne convos, the one right before the 4th CG image is shown, she appears with the 3rd clothing set instead of the 4th one (like in the previous convo pieces)


The voice chosen is awesome, very expressive and right changing tones. I was not hearing it until I disabled all suggestions (doll, bimbo, etc) in the settings, I guess because for now it's just the basic trances which are voiced. One issue: I heard Deepener 1 and 2, but not Wakeup 1, which i assume would come when selecting in settings that Helen comes to wake you up. Is there anything I am doing wrong?


An idea: Helen can convince you in trance to trance other girls, which would fit into the story: that is, you are trancing more and more girls following Helen's commands. I would enjoy a lot to connect Helen's trances to the rest of the game, Helen encouraging you to play more the game, to break their minds further, to see them as potential subjects, to trance more girls in Campus Conquest or in City Conquest, etc.