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Here's the public release for Mind Conquest 0.05. If you guys can give it a vote up, it will help the game get better visibility on newgrounds so fans of the older version can find it. 

Here's what's new in this version of the game:

 - New UI implemented for all areas and menus.
- Sophie added, along with her war and interrogation.
- Sex scene for Sophie added.
- Facial expressions for ??? updated to differ from Terri's.
- 2 additional tiers of upgrades for the Gate and Grates added.
- Starland Kingdom, and 2 sub-cities added.
- Magi Co Kingdom, and 2 sub-cities added.
- Starland, and Magi Co added to kingdom Management.
- Laurie Interrogation added.
- Laurie Sex Scene added.
- Azure Interrogation added.
- Azure Sex Scene added.
- New success/fail scenes added for Food/Wood/Iron theft.
- Formulas for attacks modified. 


Mind Conquest 0.05

You have a second shot at World Domination; will you succeed?



Sooo still have the same issue with food as in prior versions, food income are just to low no matter what you do, even with the food tribute I am still in the DEEEEEEEEEP negatives without any way to actually stabilize it not only that but captured territory also starts to RAPIDLY loose food to the point of ridiculousness Further more, because the captured territory lose food so fast their tributes actually COST you food income, sorry to say Changer, but you need to SERIOUSLY buff food production in the diffrent areas or this game will be literally unplayable, I spent the entire 1 hour session i played in the negatives and had no way to actually get positive income, except when i glitched my population down to -1 by training dancers with 1 population remaining, and even then that still cost my character health every day because I did not have enough of a surplus to heal my characters wounds.


I'm going to upload a fix in a few minutes to adjust how much food is available to steal and block cities from going into negative food. Hopefully that helps the situation some.


For some reason I can't see your post on this page to reply to your reply so I'll reply here. What I did with the kingdoms under your control is set is so that at the start of the night's processing, if the kingdom has negative food, they will be set to 5 food, then it does the normal food generation code which I changed to generate twice as much food as they originally did. Enemy kingdoms were changed to restore about 30% more food than before overnight, which also should make raids for food more rewarding. I didn't want to go crazy with buffs so that I don't over-correct and make the resource management effortless, but it should be much more manageable now.


not sure what happened to it wither, anyway what I did say basically boils down to increase growth of raiding targets and a suggestion to make food income of tribute cities always = Population + X, since the cities obviously have enough income to secure a food surplus despite their population before you move in and as such it would likely be that they would continue along those lines afterwards to, of course your tribute demands are not taken into the equation when that system was set up and so should drain the system somewhat though not too rapidly unless you have taken too many slave tributes, this way you have to manage not only how long you tribute a city for food, but also the population of the city itself since if you take too many slave tributes the material production will take a dive as well, less available workers ETC.


New balancing has made it much easier to keep yourself in the positive food wise, though tributes are still not working properly as I did get the first tribute town into -35 food still


Hi. How can I download this version of the game?


Is there a link to something that explains the interrogation mechanics? I am clicking on bubbles and the stress goes up and down, and I really have no idea what I am doing, or why I should click on positive vs negative thoughts. It's also impossible (as far as I can tell) to leave the screen until "something" happens, so I am just clicking away and have no idea what I am doing. The game talks a lot about saving energy, but I don't see an energy meter (unless it is the battery thing hidden behind the "stress" indicator; not sure if those are two different items or one on top of the other). The minigame also kind of blinks and the numbers reset every few clicks. I'm not sure if that means I lost and am starting over or what. Help!


OK, once i found the hovertext in the tab titles it started to make sense. It would help a lot if there was some indicator showing good or bad changes as you make them, though; right now you're kind of flying blind.


yeah, sorry, the current version is not well tutorialized. I'm planning to make an interactive tutorial in the next version to better teach the concepts.