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Got this one from Senturi for Violet's CG for when she is defeated. I'll be trying to get her challenge and scenes implemented in time for this update. I noticed while writing the updates for today that I didn't finish much playable yet in this update so I'm going to be trying to cram as much as I can in the next couple days. So much of the elf kingdom stuff is dependent on new systems, so I had to lay a lot of groundwork before I could start getting playable content ready. 



Damien Jacobs

take your time. better to take a while and have everything working well, instead of having something buggy released tomorrow, you know?


Awesome, its nice we have CG gallery in-game but would it be possible to implement scene gallery as well(CG + text)?


so how the hell do you break through the gate, No matter what i try i always fail, 500+pearls


I might have the balance off? How many girls and max total levels do you have? They contribute to your endurance, and pearls contribute to your damage dealing in the duel.


I'm completely stuck. I can't even reach the gate, and trying to do anything else just immediately restarts the scene where Helen has me attack it, so I can't increase my max levels or create any more pearls. Is there something I'm missing?


All the girls and total level over 10k but the bar at the top of the gate says 2800 and never goes higher about 700 pearls


That is weird, the formula might be a bit off, possibly? I just finished uploading a new formula which might help balance it better.


I have the loop bug fixed and some rebalancing done. It should be easier now, and possible to go back and level up your girls more.


Ok the loop is fixed the next issue i find is with the actual dual with orange, No matter where you click the bar just keeps going up, Nothing happens when you click anywhere on the screen, and so there is no way to win


Absolutely loving the chance to be trained as a titnosis slave for Mistress Helen... though the first bit of dialogue for it has two lines overlapping so I can’t read them, and could she be made opaque during it? Thankyou for the wonderful update!


How many pearls do you have? Your damage output is based on your pearls. Also, you can weaken her by clicking different spots on her body to search for what her active weak point is.


over 1K pearls and no matter where i click her nothing happens


I'll work on more balancing on it after I sleep, but her first weak spot is always her left ear (our right)


What gate are you talking about? Is this the content for 0.08v of Spiral Clicker?


How do I access any of this Elf Kingdom content? I downloaded the newest update but I can't find any kind of trigger


You first need leanna which you get by clicking helans face 50 times during mind breaks then theres should be anotjer button on the campus conquest page


Once i figured out all the weak spots it was fairly straight forward. Just a bit tiering. Maybe the spiral is affecting me...hmmm? Whats that mistress? Hmm no im like super happy to finally vist the elf kingdom...


There must be some other requirement or im playing wrong version or something. I have Leena(lvl 200) and i dont see any new buttons on Campus screen.


It should look exactly like the campus button and be at the bottom of the screen


Yeah, nothing there. I've got every girl at 200+ levels, 1000+ pearls, every achievement. There should be almost no unlock condition I haven't met.


Alright, so it was a different game version afterall. Turns out Public version 0.08 is different than Live version 0.08. Ok, the porn content is good but seriously the clicking during duel part is too much. Apparently Changer wants everyone to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.


I am planning to implement a flashback feature as soon as I can get it working.


If you click on the live updates tag, it should show you the right post, DannyS. The live version is progressing towards 0.09, while the public version is still on 0.08. Saigon, sorry, I have the balance for that duel a bit off still. I'm going to try adjusting it some more. I am intending it to be reasonably do-able at about 500-600 pearls.


I've tried downloading from the live update posts (.07 and .08 both), as well as the patron version, and I'm still not seeing anything relating to the new content in my game. I think the most likely option is that I'm on the right version and I've just encountered some kind of glitch.


Assuming you are on the live updates, Helen should tell you about the new elf kingdom stuff on the main screen after Leena is lvl 200.


Good news, resetting and levelling Leena back up to 200 seems to have reset the trigger and I can access it now. Thanks for the help


violet is also gonna need a heavy re balance even with 1500+pearls her bar barley moves


Are you hitting her weak spots? She is sensitive on her outer legs, shoulders and breasts.


very specific and VERY hard to find the right area, they seem to be alittle off from what you say, and after getting her loop bug with the CG again