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Hey everyone. In order to give Hilent something to do while working on the port for AH (before figuring out a way to get it to compile again, and moving her back to making new AH scenes) I started having her work on the project I'm planning to start on next. 

I am not planning to start programming on this concept until I have one of my current projects completed, but I am wondering if you guys would want to see posts about the game sooner rather than later, or if you are even interested in it. So, I'm making a poll. 

The game is going to be set in the same world as Adventure High, probably either at the same time or slightly before Adventure High takes place. Your character would be a rancher, similar to Eric and Erin (who may make appearances in the game), with a gift for Monster Magic. 

Using your gift, your character is able to hatch monster eggs into tame monster girls, and form bonds with those monster girls to be able to learn and cast new spells. The gameplay would involve exploring a forest filled with monsters, finding eggs or other valuable resources, building a ranch and populating it with monster girls, and taking care of the monster girls and training them to be stronger, more loyal, or better producers of resources. 

Nearby, there would also be a small town in constant need of supplies and protection; as without a magical barrier of their own, the only way to keep monsters out is with constant patrols by adventurers and tamed monsters of their own. There, the player will be able to meet a new set of characters and have both options for romance or mind control with the help of certain monster's skills. 

I am going to attach some concept art. If you guys are interested in seeing more, I can start to make posts related to the CGs I've received so far. Feedback and suggestions are also welcome. 




I voted for interest, but this is quite ambitious, I think, depending on what sort of features you decide to include. I want to think about the core game loop some more and throw my thoughts at you. Also, why do farmer girls always have twin tails? XD


Yeah, it's going to be an ambitious project, but I think my other projects are also pretty ambitious so that's normal for me. XD And yeah, feel free to throw any thoughts you have my way. Also, twin tails are cute? That's my best guess.


I'm voting interest because I'm always down for more of Hilent's art in any capacity.

Nine Horse Hitch

So... What are the chances the MC has a milf living them?