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I am seeing roughly a 30% rate of declined pledges, and I'm hearing similar from a lot of other creators. So, apparently Patreon's attempt to prevent what happened last month, caused it to happen again. 

So far, what I am hearing is that in addition to the other problem of them moving payment processing causing banks to assume the charge is fraudulent and declining it, American Express, and pre-paid cards also will no longer work, so if you are using those, and your payment declined you have to change to another card. 

Patreon sent an email out that anyone who is having their card declined can try the steps on this help page to fix it: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913799-Why-did-my-payment-decline-How-do-I-retry-my-payment-

Sorry about the site messing up again. Hopefully they get it fixed quickly and stop messing with it this time. xD



I pay with Visa and it also got dropped. Dunno what their problem is.


that page is no help at all i cant update my info at all


Figures their help page would be no help... >< I guess the next thing you might try is contacting their support directly?


Part of the problem is that last month they had issues due to switching payment processor. So to "solve" the problem this month, they changed payment processor again.

Gavin Hudson

Mine got declined, fixed it, and now is processing the charge twice. Thanks Patreon.


Ouch... Sorry to hear that. Once it finishes processing if patreon hasn't fixed the problem on their end I can try to refund you from my interface.

Gavin Hudson

Got a reversal for the extra charge, so were good, thanks for the offer though!


i think its time some one makes a different company and offers the same thing and douse not keep fucking Avery thing up


There have been a few patreon competitors, but they usually either fold after a couple of months, or lack very basic features that are needed.


oddly it fixed itself but yea the instructions didnt help at all


Bit of an odd place to post this, but patreon won't let me PM unless I'm your patreon. Have you considered adding a bigger tier to let people add a girl OC of their own to some of these games?


I have thought about it, but I'm not sure how well it would work; as it would be expensive to get all the art assets to create a new character. Spiral Clicker would be the most friendly to that idea, but I'm already giving a bunch of people cameos already so charging for cameos while also giving some people cameos for free might cause confusion and hurt feelings.


Hehe, it was actually spiral clicker that brought me to your patreon xD I can understand that angle. I can also understand tellin people to sod off because it's your game and you can add friends if you want :B


If you were to add that option for spiral clicker, what kind of dollar amount do you think you'd charge? Obviously enough to cover the art, your coding time, etc


I don't think I would be able to charge enough to cover the art. A character in Spiral Clicker would need to have the normal set of costumes, plus 5 CGs, and at the rate the artists I'm working with charge, that would be somewhere between 550-700 dollars. Which is vastly more than I would feel comfortable asking for from a single patron. It would have to be an arbitrary smaller amount of money than that, but I'm not really sure where I would put that price to be high enough to be worth it, but not so high that I would feel bad about it.


I see, thank makes sense given the quality of the art for sure. -Is still excited- c:


Hey, I acknowledge this is a strange place to post this one, but have you considered making an enslavement guide? As somebody before me mentioned, they're all fairly obscure. All the characters in my party are level 30 and I still haven't really figured out how to enslave anyone. I did manage to trigger at least part of the Mrs. Rack one, but after asking Val to get her, I haven't progressed any.


My walkthrough is a couple months out of date, but I do have the method for enslaving each character listed in it. <a href="https://changermcgame.blogspot.com/p/introduction-game-can-be-fairly-non.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://changermcgame.blogspot.com/p/introduction-game-can-be-fairly-non.html</a>