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This is the public release of Spiral Clicker. If you want to, and are able to, any votes for the game will help it get more exposure and potentially get featured on Newgrounds. 

This version of the game includes:

- 5 characters

- 13 unlockable CGs

- 10 unlockable conversations

- 16 unlockable costumes


Spiral Clicker 0.01

Click to control the girls on campus!



The unlock outfit number as to how many you have unlocked seems to be out of sync for Helen, Crystal and Amber. They are showing a higher number than what is actually unlocked. '3/3' but only having 2 to select from etc.


I just fixed that for Helen. I'll get it fixed for the other two in a moment. Sorry about that.


Well, I have you as much of a vote as I could. All 5.1 vote power. It's not like I log into newgrounds for anything else these days. >.>


Really enjoyed this- looking forward to the live updates version and more updates! The clicker format really enhances the hypnosis theme. Great job!


looks awesome and is fun to play. i love the music as well. One major note, during the will breaking part of the game once you get to a certain point the spirals you produce on screen begin to clip together into a jagged white jumble. not sure if thats just flash being mean or what. aside from that the notes are minor. things like, if possible, having the girls eyes slowly fade to their tranced state as you click on them during the mind break portion. Depending on the girl perhaps have a different trance method involved while clicking based on the girl. for instance having amber looking at or listening to her phone while you click could add just a fun level of detail. also that fun little bit with Helen, not gonna spoil it for people that havent found it yet, is totally awesome and i'd love to see you do more fun and mischievous stuff with it lol.


Yeah, since newgrounds got rid of daily voting, it seems like the voting power thing is kind of out of place. xD


Yeah, it's probably flash having a hard time handling so many actors overlapping at once. I'm going to look into figuring out a solution to that problem. I am planning to implement different hypnotic focuses; different types of spirals, pendulums, or other things if I can come up with good ways to make them work.


so one way to implement the different focuses could be to have them set on the screen, say a pendulum for example, with a fixed animation. then when you click it triggers an effect, like a crystal flickering colors, a spiral effect flowing off a watch, or a flash effects on the targets face if they are focused on a device screen that way you arent trying to deal with clicking effecting the rhythm of a pendulum.


Yeah, I figure I could do a shine/sparkle that occurs every so many clicks. The tricky part is trying to make it so they all look smoothly animated, since Stencyl uses only frame-by-frame animation rather than being able to directly import a smooth flash animation.


That was awesome, made me an instant patron. I would love to see some resistance text while you're clicking on the girls, make that bit of the game a bit more fun and less repetitive. Anyway, still enjoying it and hoping to play the version the Elf girl talked about soon!


Thanks, i can work on some more effects/resistance from mindbreaking. The version Helen mentioned is up, it can be found under the pinned live updates tag


quick question with Helen try's to hypnotized you after going afk a bit is there going to be more options or dialogs for her in future update


Yeah, there will be more options for her, and her inductions will be able to be customized to the player's interests.

Ian Graham

I played the game on newgrounds and after i tried to take Helen for the first time she said there was a new version of the game to $3 patrons; i pledged, but i cant find the new version; is it not out yet or am i just blind?


If you go to the front page, on the left there is a list of pinned tags. Click on the live updates tag and then it should be near the top of the page.