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I got this one from Caveman Doodles for Erin's Country Girl form. I dont have access to a computer to resize it so I'm just gonna post the high res version for everyone. Not sure when we are heading back home yet. Yesterday the neighbor's house was under 3 feet of water, so I doubt ours is doing much better.




I keep saying it because I mean it: good luck to you and yours. Here's hoping the damage isn't too terrible.


Well I hope you get home soon at least you and your family is safe and a computer can be replace and I do have family members living in Texas( 2 nephews and a niece with my 3 great nieces) and they are safe they live in Austin and near Austin area. Plus I can wait for your next update when you get back home and a new computer.


Thanks, I just heard that we are planning to go back tomorrow or the next day so I guess we'll find out soon how bad the damage is.


That is good I hope the damage is not that bad and we finally got the rain here in Georgia from Harvey and I have been watching the new about Harvey and Texas


Now I wish I can play with Country Girl Erin too and I be glad to take Dan place in game so I can start my own harem up but I be glad to just have one girl to like me and I wonder it Dan will ever marry his childhood friend Val or any other of his classmates and who knows maybe he can win his teacher Jane heart I think she likes him anyway plus she does help him with his magic plus will you ever add a marriage system in your game you can form a strong bond with your spouse/partner and fight harder to protect the ones you love not only your spouse but your friends and family to including your mother. Plus will the MC ever travel outside the city to go on adventure with Erin or go look for his father to find out what happen to him.


I don't have plans for marriage, as the time span the game takes place in is a bit too short to feel natural for most pairings and I wouldn't want it to only be possible to marry a couple characters but not the rest. Romance will be possible with all the characters in the game, except Mr. Drape.


Okay Changer and who wants to date that creepy Mr. Drape anyway not none of your MC's,students or teachers plus he already made enemies in the school by putting curses on students and he is trying to take over the school to.


Oddly enough I have had a couple requests for him to be dateable but he has a strong anti-romance view that prevents that from being possible.


Okay but everybody needs love in the game someone just needs to befriend him and help him change his way and to find out everybody not out to get him plus to stop him from chancing students to look and act like him to and your MC's need to help the students he has cursed and it would be nice to have more student NPC's in the game to make friends and to talk with and study with and to rescue sometimes to in the dungeon to and to just speak with too. :D