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Hey everyone. Thought I would post an update on the hurricane situation. The hurricane decided to bounce after all, and my neighborhood was flooded. So, we had to evacuate yesterday. I was not able to bring my computer with me due to limited riom in the car. I did put it on a table though so if the water does manage to reach it, we will have bigger issues to deal with. I did back up my .stencyl file online a couple days ago. So, if my computer is destroyed it will not cause the game to be sent backwards in progress by more than maybe a few hours of work. Before the storm changed direction, I had ordered a new drawing tablet to replace my old one that wont work any more, which is supposed to arrive in the next 7 days. Not sure what they will do with it if I'm not there. I hope they don't just leave it out in the open. >< hopefully I get the tracking number soon so I can call ups and ask about it. I think that's all for now. Live updates will probably start late since I don't have a computer to code them on. Will try to catch up as quickly as possible when I get back.



Our hopes are with you and yours. If they do leave it out, you can call their corporate to request a replacement due to an emergency situation. However, I doubt they'll be out there until after cleanup is done anyway.


Thanks, hopefully they will hold off on delivery til I'm there. Be nice if I clould get them to reroute it to here but I don't know how long ee are staying or if that is possible.


Thanks, hopefullt where I am now will stay out of the hurricanes path