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Poor Troi! Even in the 24th century women still gets treated pretty badly. Well, I guess one woman. It's really just her. Crusher had a few flings, but they were always just consentual relationships. She was never ogled by aliens, humans, weird telepaths, etc.... maybe cause she was a doctor? So while watching all the TNG episodes I noticed this pattern. Downright unacceptable behavior!!! To be fair, each situation was unique (although Picard should have asked Troi is she was comfortable with Riva creeping on her like a mute sex pervert) and was story related. You see, the sexual component was Troi's character's "function". i.e. most people laugh at how Worf gets beat up or offers suggestions that get turned down. 1. Worf getting beat up is to display how "strong" the villain is at that time. You're supposed to say "wow! If that thing beat up Worf, then...." and Worf's suggestions are often turned down because we must explore all options in the story... again you ask "why can't they just attack it" and on this topic I could also make a reel of Riker asks dumb questions... Riker is the layman. He's not an expert in any particular area so they often have him ask the "dumb" question like, "Data, what if we just go to warp right now to escape?" and to that Data answers, "That would be incredibly inadvisable. If we went to warp the stress from the tractor beam would tear the ship apart instantly" or something like that. So Riker would be asking the question the audience might be asking. Making him appear incredibly stupid. So if an episode had a sexual component often Troi was usually involved (unless it was fucking a ghost). And most crumby encounters are by non-starfleet characters. I don't know. You tell me what you think. I think The Enterprise was a pretty hostile working environment for Troi and her skills as a therapist weren't taken seriously enough. 



Mike seems to be having fun with all the TNG clips and I'm here for it


Lloyd Braun is so creepy

Daniel Brauer (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 03:21:45 Empaths :D
2024-02-26 03:21:45 Empaths :D
2024-02-19 15:38:24 Empaths :D

Empaths :D

Allison PM

Ugh. Touching her hair and then having to reset for multiple shots. What a nightmare.

Kate Gottli

4 minutes of clips and there isn't even any Barclay, lol


I would never have guessed from the last frame of the previous video that this would be the topic for this video!

Top Hat Monkey

Max Headroom hitting on Deanna Troi! Good times!

Manuel Johnen

But hey, less rape than "Death Wish III"... go, Troi...! :D

Frazzled Doo

She’s a SpaceDodgeBalls pro’ Dodging SpaceBalls .. Yogurt. …. I’m glad you made this for her.

Matthew Chambers

I think Mr. Plinkett has the RLM crew tied up in a closet and is going hog wild.

Eileen Herbert

I think it's because she's a therapist. It's a more stereotypically-female/emotionally-open job versus Crusher's doctor which is more stereo-typically male/logical. Her job requires that she has a high EQ and handles things delicately which sex pests take advantage of.

Matthew O

Don't forget Barclay making deepfake porn of her on the holographic entertainment simulator.

Matt Sandwich

This harassment is the *real* cinema sin

Joe Triscari

That Riva episode is all the more funny because he has a translator for each part of his mind. At one point, I think he dismisses his intellectual and social sides. It feels like he's implying, "OK now we're in my quarters, speak directly to my boner."

Bill Wilson

Yeah, those few clips out of 100 000 episodes look bad for the show and the character in the context of the show. And then, from Martina Sirtis' point of view, there's her career before that, including Cannon.

Scott Richardson

And the actress was thankful to TNG for getting her OUT of skeezy, demeaning and sexualized roles!

Niko Ketsilis

At least Season 2 Episode 1 with the Jesus baby is so bad it makes the other cases look quaint 🤣 They set the bar so so low so we won’t complain as much for other cases “At least its not the magic space Jesus baby that just peaced out as fast as he grew up”

Eileen Herbert

Especially with curly hair like hers! I bet she had a shit ton of mousse in that day. That part also made my skin crawl.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

She must have had some flashbacks to her time working on Canon movies. But Marina Sirtis...Man, she is fucking hilarious. The way she speaks in TNG, you would never expect her to bust out at every panel as the partying blue collar gal she is. The complete opposite of Troi in every way. I love that woman's personality (no, that's not a euphemism) and just want to knock back pints with her (also not a euphemism. Get your mind out of the gutter)

Manuel Valadez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-20 07:25:13 I thought Jay was the sex-pervert.
2024-02-20 05:58:11 I thought Jay was the sex-pervert.

I thought Jay was the sex-pervert.


Would love a reel of Riker asking dumb questions. Hell watching Worf get beat up over and over sounds like fun too...


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