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Hello friends. First off, apologies for not noticing that it said "environment" instead of "entertainment"  for some reason my brain went to entertainment and it just stuck there. Weird to think about. I regret having a mistake in my mistakes video. Also, additionally people have pointed out things I may have missed. I was delighted to see Picard does indeed walk into 10 forward wearing tennis shoes. I skipped re-watching Best of Both Worlds as I've seen it so many times. I would also like to mention, as I do with anything I do, I didn't search for other videos on this topic or go to IMBD and look under the goofs or use google etc. I tend to consider all that cheating in a way. All these things I noticed on my own, jotting them all down on a small legal pad as I watched. The new Plinkett video may not be every single TNG mistake ever, but it's my mistakes. Now, on to this video. I have added small bits of random things into reels. Here is the first of a few to come. Enjoy!!!



Go to bed Mike


Rise sails!

Amanda B.

This is why I subscribe to the top tier of y'all's Patreon, late night Star Trek Hornyposting. Please never change.


"Tilted" already made me laugh.


I knew I wasn't the only depraved pervert that laughed aloud at some of these lines while solo drinking and watching TNG! Now do a TOS one! (It would practically make itself, but still...)

Matthew Chambers

When did Mr. Plinkett get control of the Patreon? Can I switch from paying in cash to pizza rolls?


You're all good man. Dont even stress.


I just watched that episode with Tasha's sister and noticed worf looking at her LOL

Frazzled Doo

I wonder if Lor was given a gag reflex as well…


During the 1990s I picked up a I suppose you'd call it bootleg VHS at the creation con. It had about 30 minutes of outtakes from TNG. A lot of those outtakes were people laughing their asses off because of the innuendos.

Dominic O'Neill

Mike did you actually rewatch every episode (bar BOBW)? I should probably find time to do that.

Shiba Sama

How can you forget the creepy look Riker gives Wesley after he tells him, "See you onboard. 🥴" in the first episode?