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Yep, we're talking about this again. Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans watch Rouge One: A Make-Up Story - listen to their exciting commentary as they watch the most boringest Star Wars film ever.

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Star Wars: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Commentary Track, by Red Letter Media

Star Wars: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Commentary Track by Red Letter Media, released 28 April 2017


Jesse S

I just finished watching the movie though, oh well.


I've gone out of my way to not watch this fucking thing. Now I have to.


lol at least they know they're beating a dead horse with this


I can't wait to hear what they thought about the T-15 Skyhopper cameo!


Thanks for offering a free code, but knowing that I'll listen to it 47 times, I think your time is worth a couple bucks.


I finally bothered watching this movie once it became rentable on Amazon Video, having already completely "spoiled" it by watching the RLM videos numerous times beforehand. That said, to really get the most out of this commentary track, you actually need to own the movie, or at the very least, be willing to rent it again. How many of us who would actually listen to this track would be willing to spend money on the movie (again)? That said, sign me up for this, I love listening to you guys!


About time you beautiful bastards


Since I'm only a cheap-o patreoner I'll toss a couple bucks your way on bandcamp for it. :)


What's with the dead horse? I don't remember that from the movie, is it from the special edition?




It's gonna be great. It's gonna be great. It's gonna be great.


Nice. Decided it was worth paying for. I bought all the others. Thanks again. Keep these commentary tracks coming guy's. VERRRRY COOL!


i don't think there's ever been as fruitful a film for RLM as Rouge One, god bless


I personally love commentary tracks.


Hey... Wait... With this commentary Rogue One is almost watchable now...




Hmm, I don't intend to pay to see Rouge One again, so I think I'll pay for this on bandcamp.


This is perfect. The first time I tried watching this I stopped watching after an hour. I just didn't care. I know how it's going to end and I don't care about anyone or anything. You can't make the story exciting, but have to make the characters interesting. I guess I'll be able to watch the beautiful cinematography to the end, now that your commentary is out. Thanks!


I'm watching it now, and when you guys point it out, it's obvious why this movie doesn't work: All the stuff we should see onscreen is exposition, and all the stuff that should be exposition is played out onscreen. It's exactly backwards. This movie needed a Marcia Lucas. I was hoping for a heist flick too. That would've been cool. Or fun. Or at least watchable.


You've made a giant waste of time hours of fun.


You guys turn un-fun things into fun things. Don't die.


Thanks again for my signed RLM poster. I love it.


Very cool commentary. Now I have to check out your other ones! Thanks all!


You guys in the comments are all crazy. Rogue One is the pinnacle of Star Wars movie magic. You are all just haters who can not recognize a MASTERPIECE. I love JJ Abraham, he made the best Star Trek movies of all time.


Very cruel, very cruel.


These guys never fail to put a smile on my face! Thanks RLM!!!!


Moff Tarkin didn't look too bad on the 720p rip I watched. Much less jarring than at the theater. Anyone else notice that?


The guy who was standing in for tarkin, behind the ugly cgi mask, was an accomplished actor who looked just like him anyway, so frustrating.


Am I the only one who thought the blind kung-fu chinese was racist ? It was the first thing that popped in my head in the theater and I haven't heard a single soul mention it. Maybe it's not ...


Yeah that's what gets me! He does the voice perfectly and does look a lot like him - they managed to get a good recast for Mon Mothma, I don't understand why they didn't just let this guy play Tarkin, and as they said in the commentary, if they insist on having Leia, just show her from the back with the white hood up.


I think the shot of Jyn / robot / kasian standing in their Imperial disguises looking completely unconvincing as imperials sums up the movie for me - the costume are right, but I'm just not buying it. I really wish we had got the Ocean's 11 inside the Deathstar with lots of Mission Impossible style traps and highwire suspense that Mike & Rich proposed


Rascist? Nah, I dont think so. Its definitely a demographical cash in tho. But Donnie Yen is a kung fu action star that was hired to do kung fu action... so I think its fine. It wasnt like transformers where the comic relief was black ppl being stereotypically black or how easy it was to identify the black robot based on his -ahem- "urban" antics.


CGI Tarkin looks great in stills... But as soon as he moves, it's a dead give away and just like Rich said... Distracting as fuck


I hope you guys do more commentaries, they must be pretty easy to produce compared to your other output


Just listened to it, it was great as always! I do wish you'd drop the musical stings and sound effects though. Really unnecessary. Other than that and Jay's audio being a bit blown out, thanks for making this horribly boring movie bearable.


Love these! The conversations are interesting and humorous, and the music is soothing...


This movie was so boring. My 8 year old son was on his iPad 1/2 an hour in. My wife and I started drinking at around 50 minutes in. The prequels were better. I snuck the commentary track while watching...YOU WERE BORED!!


Why does Bandcamp hide the download links?