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Mr. Plinkett Responds to Comments on his Video Commenting on Disney's Star Wars Rogue One!

Mr. Plinkett is back to clarify some of the things he said in his last video and to respond to some of your viewer comments!



Love your videos! Great work!


Hey help me out


Very funny videos. Of course, many people don't understand such creativity and it seems to them all this is strange. But your videos have huge meaning. I like.


I mean I don't think those people who were kinda assholes in the comment section of the previous video deserve responding to but YAY!! More Plinkett!


Why waste any breath on those tards in the comment section? Next you'll have to make a video commenting on the comments from this video. You guys do what you do, fuck those idiots. Happy new year, love you.


I think Rogue One suffers from some of the same issues as the prequels. There can be no long-term tension if you already know the ending. That doesn't mean that you can't have an interesting interpretation of a story. Something like Romeo and Juliet has been reinterpreted tons of different ways. In those cases, you really need strong characters, since the ending has been spoiled for 99% of people watching.


So now characters don't have to pass your Plinkett character test for you to like them? Why are you using TFA's box office gross to prove that it's good? Is straying into the subjective worth it to prove that others are wrong? Plinkett seems to have devolved from some of the best movie analysis on the internet to "No you're dumb. No UR dumb!" What's the point?


Fucking hilarious. I like an angry Plinkett. Take that Star Wars bitches. Thanks Mike. Good start to the year.


True Fact: occasionally you may disagree with a critic's opinion. And yet, the world will continue to spin!


Don't mind me! I'm just here to see the meltdown. Also, when's the next Mr. Plinkett's™ Disney's™ Star Wars™ Rogue One™ A Star Wars™ Story review™? I can't wait to get new memorable quotes to rape-meme for years to come! In all seriousness, I would have thought that you would have put the criticism against your last video as a throwaway kinda wink-winky line in a HitB or BotW episode as you usually do. I don't think this video was necessary but if it made you felt good, well... FUCK'EM! P.S.: I do hope you'll be making a "Fuck You! It's January!" 2017 Edition with all the actors that are unfortunately still alive!


Also, I'd add that while you may disagree with someone else's opinion, it doesn't make either of you wrong.


Yes!!! Even more Rogue One stuff!


I'm sure even the RLM media guys (and gals!) get tired of talking about star wars, but I really love their take because they have genuine knowledge about movie criticism and understanding of movies while having clearly a heart in the original trilogy and being burned by it back when the new trilogy came out but also wanting to give the new stuff the benefit of a doubt. As such, I greatly respect and enjoy what they have to say and I know it pays the bills for them, so they should keep it up when they can :P


Question for the RLM guys: the previous post was for $15+ patrons only. Was that intentional, or by mistake? I ask, as this post is open to all, even non-patreon oiks like me. (I was one until the previous post went up behind the top-tier paywall (patwall? patrewall?), hence the enquiry.) If it was intentional, fair enough. If it was a mistake, I will revisit my cancellation.

Kravenar Games

Hahahahah, was epic to cit Walter White :D


Quite disappointed to not get any response to this! I had been supporting RLM in various other ways outside the Patreon, but have revisited all of those instead.


HI all, anyone fancy checking out my music on my channel?! Loving the video's RLM


Esto es real




I love the banner picture :P