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Happy Holidays, friends! Mr. Plinkett wanted to chime in with his thoughts on the new Star Wars movie! 

This video isnt going to be posted publicly for a few days so it's a Christmas present for all you Patrons! Thanks for another year of supporting our stupid videos!


Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One

Mr Plinkett discusses his thoughts on the latest Disney product.



I love all your stupid videos and faces! Merry xmas, hacks! ❤


Thanks guys!


Thanks :D Merry Christmas to you too :)


Happy annual gift giving day. Keep poking the fuck outta that bear


Merry Fucking Christmas!!!


The Empire has closed the shield gate! What does that mean?


Not to look a gift-horse in the mouth. But is this going to be any different than what's said in the Half in the Bag? I don't know if I can take that disappointment again.


You guys are the best, have a great holiday weekend! And PLEASE review the new Assassin's Creed movie and tell me that it's at least a bunch of entertaining schlock worth seeing.


Thanks RLM! You are all kicking ass. Merry Christmas you filthy animals!


Rouge One is the only starwars movie that got me excited about the action since watching the originals on vhs as a kid. I say the word for this movie is "Meatgrinder" and I kinda saw it as a Starship Troopers set in the starwars universe. Jade is a nice color.


Thank you guys for giving me AAAAA... decent video for Richmas!


I'll second that. Someone told me the scene where Vader is wrecking face is the best Vader scene in the series. I really had to try hard not to slap him.


Rogue One was a good movie if you don't think about it plot or character development or adding anything really meaningful to the Star Wars lore. Though I've seen it twice and will likely see it a few more times--its entertaining. Its like the new Star Trek movies--they are good popcorn munchers but they aren't Star Trek movies...


If you ignore the plot and characters what is left? That's like saying a food is good if you ignore the taste and nutritional value.