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Is Mike finally gonna get a new heart?


So it was allllll juuuust a dreeeeam.

David S

Hope Bob doesn’t get the Betty White treatment from this!

Daniel E. Passaro

So, Half in the Bag Mike is going to get hit on the head and wake up back in the Grabowski’s?


Did RLM Betty White him and he’s now dead?


Hi Bob


at some point someone should mispronounce Glembeeza as Goncharov


My guess Bob Newhart is the secret guest + RLM will kill him with the wheel of the worst.


Could it be something gay?

Jake Martin

Meet the Newhart Same as the Oldhart


Maybe they're going to do a Newhart style twist to reset the Half in the Bag Storyline. We'll see Jay and Mike wake up in bed with Mr. Plinkett who will ask them why they haven't fixed his VCR yet. Then they'll just do simple storylines of the guys scamming Plinkett like they did in the first year or so of the show. Or I could be reading too much into this.


Mr. Plinkett found his collection of Newhart tapes. He's going to make Jay and Mike watch all 184 episodes with him after they finally fix his VCR.

Connor Martin

Meet the new hart, same as the old hart.