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Half in the Bag Episode 115: Stranger Things

http://www.redlettermedia.com - Mike and Jay discuss the Netflix series Stranger Things, the first and last TV series to ever be discussed on Half in the Bag! OMG!



Is this replacing Amazon Prime originals?


<a href="http://www.lightningfastvcrrepair.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.lightningfastvcrrepair.com</a>


I know you guys filmed this last week before this article came out but there was a man in a rubber suit for some of it. check it out! <a href="http://www.vice.com/read/the-man-who-played-the-monster-in-stranger-things" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.vice.com/read/the-man-who-played-the-monster-in-stranger-things</a>


Winona Ryder was terrible. #Istoppedprogressing


Honestly, having known a few hysterical, over worked, single mom's, I was 100% Ok with Winona's performance. It felt very "real" to me, though I realize that isn't always what is best for a show/movie. I felt one of the best thing of the show was (which I learned from watching RLM) the high amounts of set-ups and pay-offs. Some more obvious (the Demogorgon) than others (the jump into the quarry lake being lethal). Combined with (another thing I learned from RLM) the characters arcs some characters went through. I think that is part of what made it so good is the characters' depth and arcs.




Part of me would like to see what they do with the characters in a second season. The other part of me would like to see them basically leave the first season open ended like that on purpose and for the second season you get a whole different cast of characters and a whole new plot. Like imagine season one was a book. I want another whole different book and maybe not just a continuation of the first. Also my biggest nit pick was the scene where the two bullies suddenly appear in the woods for no fucking reason and then chase the kids. Like you couldn't have set that up with maybe one line of expository dialogue? like one of them could have yelled "WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU! SO AND SO SAID THEY SAW YOU COME THIS WAY!"


Haven't watched this show yet, but it's next on our list - I think every person I know has recommended it,


About the leaving it open, you are right it would be very fitting given how much they love "The Thing" leaving the ending open just like "The Thing" wondering if Childs was the Thing. Like Stranger Things can leave you wondering if the missing kid who came back is infected, or brought something back from The Upsidedown or is a gateway. I would like it to end after 1 season despite how much I like it tbh.