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Currently editing the next Best of the Worst. They're all a complicated pain in the ass to edit, but this one is especially. Should be worth it though! There's some real weirdness in it.



If RLM says something is weird, you know we're in for a ride through Fever Dream town.


I don't know. This year's American presidential election campaign is going to be pretty tough to beat for weirdness.


Real weirdness as opposed to the usual ersatz stuff? Somewhat worrying, but righto then...


I'm hoping for a review of Quigley (Staring Gary Busey as a talking dog)vs Nine Lives (Staring Kevin Spacey as a talking cat)


In the sidebar it says that my $2 buys me updates to whatever projects you're in the middle of, including "Space Cop shoots". Shouldn't you frauds have changed that by now?


In this era of reboots, remakes, special editions, soft-boots, and cinematic universes who knows if they'll work...re-work...re-do...go back to? Yeah!...go back to Space Cop. Also, you can unsubscribe in disgust if you're not happy with the donation tier. That's the beauty of Patreon.


Do you guys ever take suggestions for BotW movies?

Daniel Frank

And it features our Canadian friends! (Or your Canadian friends to be more accurate...)


RLM is the only "movie company" that never dissapointed me because the know how to jump the shark.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-28 05:55:21 ご想像にお任せします…!
2016-08-19 18:30:44 Thank you for all that you do.

Thank you for all that you do.


That's saying a lot considering how weird all the BotW episodes have been this year. But my body is ready. *insert picture of Sex Pervert Rich Evans here*


Weirder than Shaq Meat? Cause that shit was juicy! Yummy :P


They have a PO box you can mail stuff to, including movies. If you're lucky, it might show up in an episode in 2019 or so!


Happy to say that this can only be a good thing.


Thank goodness! I'm feeling the withdrawal you guys. How else am I going to get through my production schedule if I can't take RLM breaks?!


Hey guys, may I make a suggestion for a commentary track for October, assuming you do one that is? How about Stephen King's It? You should do two separate tracks for It; one for part 1 and one for part 2. It'd be something a little bit different and unique.


Guess what, i got a fever and the only prescription is more Rich Evans as Plinkett you hack frauds.


I've been meaning to mention that the digital zoom inserts are a bit jarring because of the resolution loss, which reduces my my immersion for your excellent humor... this is why it helps to shoot at 4K even if you're printing to 1080p. A good backgrounder on LTT here: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NFmpJNvd4k" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NFmpJNvd4k</a>


I'd love to hear RLM commentary on any of the Stephen King films also! I bet it would be both informative and hilarious stuff.