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Half in the Bag: Pam and Tommy and Bruce Willis

We're not done talking about Bruce Willis movies! For some reason. Or more specifically, for no reason. There's been two more terrible Bruce Willis movies in just the month since our previous Bruce Willis video so we wanted to get caught up. Also discussed: the Hulu series Pam and Tommy, a good show that you probably don't care about.


Bort Ward

I can't believe you guys did not call it the 'WillisVerse'.


I really liked Pam & Tommy. The tonal shifts of the absurd comedy (mostly the Rogen/Offerman part of the story) and the genuine drama (mostly the Pam Anderson centric stuff) didn't really come together that well and felt kind of separated by sections/episodes (there are 2 shorter episodes in the middle that almost solely concentrate on Anderson). Still, the characters are well written (even Tommy Lee doesn't only come off as an asshole and he seems to genuinely care about Anderson) and the perfomances are great all around.


Please Don’t apologize for commenting about Bruce Willis. Anyone who is offended should go f themselves


If you’re looking for something new you should check out Severance on apple tv. I’m 3 episodes in and wow this show is unique and deeply unnerving.


Just came to know that Leo Fong passed away last month. RIP Low blow!!




Just saw that. Definitely adds some context to RLM's recent videos.


Does this mean that RLM effectively BROKE this story?!? Or, at least forced the Willis family to make a public statement perhaps earlier than planned, just to end the rampant depictions of Willis as becoming a lazy, greedy asshole? Red Letter Media, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS! Maybe Mike needs to revive his reporter 'character'?!


I just hope they don't sue for uncovering these film production 'arrangements', and forcing Bruce to cancel upcoming projects now that the public can't be 'encouraged' to watch these movies by featuring Willis' name? Or will he still be doing another 10 of these 'feature films' for $2m/each, even after going public about his condition? Although I guess contracts have already been signed, and some are probably already 'in the can'.


I doubt there's anything they can sue for. It's all fair use commentary on films and what was speculation and rumor via some article at the time. It's not like they released medical records or anything. I imagine the worst that'll come out of it will be dummies on Twitter that hate RLM and try to blame them for ending Bruce Willis' career. But it was inevitable with the illness and probably for the best if its so obvious you can tell something is wrong through an edited film. It's probably pretty bad in person.


Haha, I was completely joking! There can't POSSIBLY be any way to make claims against the media for speculation? lol Just unfortunate that this likely means Bruce won't be making any sort of comeback. And it's sort of sad that we won't ever see another good Bruce Willis movie... I guess this makes 'Sin City' his last decent role? Unless you want to count 'Glass', however I've read that Bruce was already struggling during that movie and they often had to 'shoot around' him. :( And before that it would have been 'Looper'...


RedLetterMedia brought the news before anybody else.


Guess you guys were right, sadly.