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We're working on another discussion of the new season of Picard, covering episodes 2 and 3. That will hopefully be out before episode 4 of Picard is released.

Also while editing this upcoming Half in the Bag, I worked in a random cutaway reference to the Winnebago Man. It might be one of the more obscure references we've done, I don't know,  but if you haven't seen the classic Winnebago Man outtakes, enjoy!


The Definitive Winnebago Man

The most complete footage of the "Winnebago Man" in the highest quality possible.



Holy hell, I haven't seen that in forever. Thank you for posting it.


To this day, whenever I see a fly in my house, the ghost of this man channels through me. God damn fuckin' flies.


Hahaha idk it's funnier hearing older men curse, especially how professional he usually is. Makes think of Stan Lee talking like this. 😄🤭

Andrea Johnson

Haha! I often find myself telling my cats that everybody's going to be very hot, very uncomfortable, and I don't want any bullshit from anybody and that includes me.

Andrea Johnson

And if we get anybody yelling around here the shit is really gonna hit the fan.

Max Eliaser

Can someone explain "fern" and "dock" to me? Are they late 80s slang for "d**k" and *p**y"?


I didn't mind the first two episodes but it's like the writers were trying to hold back explosive diarrhea and episode 3 was when it all let loose.


Spoiler: Episode 2 is bad and episode 3 is worse

Nathan Campbell

The documentary, Winnebago Man, is pretty good. The dude is still a character.


Yeah, it's up to Mike and Rich to tell me what happens from here on in.... because whew boy. Why do I keep doing this to myself?


The second episode so nearly had me fooled. Went from 'OK, this is interesting. How will each of them navigate all of the moral dilemmas that they're going to have to to survive?' to 'Oh.... So that's where they're taking this...'. The less said about episode 3, the better. It's a death spiral from here on in. I'm done with it.


Where has Winnebago Man been all my life? That's amazing

Robert Sager

Holy shit, this is amazing


He is a part of my life for all times, past and future.