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Half in the Bag: Halloween Kills

After learning that their secret camera of Mr. Plinkett is no longer working, Mike and Jay arrive at his house to get those sweet sweet anti-bodies. However, instead of continuing this interesting plot line, Mike and Jay decide to talk about Halloween Kills - a film that's much more realistic and fascinating. It is that spooky, scary and most evil time of the year: October through June! What do Mike and Jay think of this newest Halloween installment? Oh come on, you know...


Amanda Foster

Ohhhh boy! Can’t wait to hear Jay’s opinion on this interesting sequel.


weeeeeeeee....my evening is now excellent


Yaaaas; was waiting for the Shatner mask reference during the Carpenter Re:View. Thank you, Michael.

Kelly Nguyen



So bored I was literally getting ready to go to the theater to see this movie when I got the email notification about their review. Thank God I avoided that bullshit.

Stephanie Lloyd

Now I want to watch the version of Halloween where the killer wears a Mike Stoklasa mask and keeps talking about Star Trek and ghosts to his victims


No slasher in Vegas?! I guess you boys didn't see the masterpiece Hostel 3 with 3 of the most despicable/hate-able protagonists in history, I've never pulled for a demented set of torturers more in my life. Dogshit movie haha


Yes thank you god, I love RLM

Michael Matzat

Watch while you still can until it gets banned due to falls information about the omega variant. :D

Michael Matzat

I would have loved to see a scene were the angry mob gets Michael. They swarm him, everyone is pushing in from behind to get in a shot. But the people "in first row" get slaughtered one by one, while nothing hurts Michael. Slowly more and more people in the middle of the mob start noticing, rage gets replaced by panic, they want to get away but people pushing in from behind to get in a shot trap them between Michael and the bodys of the dead. The killer is bad. But it's not the killer that kills you, it's the angry people you hang out with that will be your doom. Last of Us Part 2 did this better, but here it's only halloween 56 so it's good enough.

Leon Illiann

Anyone else think Anthony Michael Hall now kinda looks like Bill Belichick?


Did you guys happen to watch Midnight Mass? It would be a good palate cleanser after Halloween Kills.

Jessie Zimmer

Mike wins based on that fantastic cast list. Also, him vehemently arguing about the name of the baseball bat made me giggle every time you cut to the frame.

Peter Varga

bad movie, great video! (yes I did not want to watch it before the review, but in the end I unfortunately did)


Evil dies tonight's the night (Hey!), let's live it up (Let's live it up) I got my money (Okay!), let's spend it up (Let's spend it up) Go out and smash (Smash), like oh, my god (Like oh my god) Jump off that sofa (Come on!), let's get, get off! Fill up my cup (Drink!), mazal tov (Lahyme) Look at her dancing (Move it, move it) Just take it off! Let's paint the town (Paint the town) We'll shut it down (We'll shut it down) Let's burn the roof (Ooohooohooo) and then we'll do it again


Who the hell set up Mike's camera I'm not mad I just wanna talk JLC is a little off on those dates since the BLM movement started in 2013 but who knows maybe they've been working on this nonsense for almost a decade. I watched The French Dispatch tonight and enjoyed it very much everyone go watch that instead.


I actually liked this movie, but with the understanding that this was very much Michael’s film (whereas the 2018 one was about Laurie and her family). (People heaped similar hate on “Hannibal” when it came out and it being over-the-top gory vs. “Silence,” although the first film was Clarice’s story with Hannibal in a supporting role, and the second was really Hannibal’s with Clarice supporting.) Also, it’s the second movie in a trilogy, so our heroes are going to be at their lowest points in their story arcs. That said, there were so very many missed opportunities for small, quality interactions between the returning characters from the 1978 film. I would have given anything for Laurie to have an thoughtful scene with Brackett about her thoughts about Annie’s death, Lindsey talking with Laurie about her park encounter with Michael, or Marion just being given more dialogue in general. (Marion could have been given a couple of fantastic wisecracks—such as angrily muttering “Not the f*ck again” when Michael hopped up on the car roof—that would’ve expanded her character and better-earned the audience’s sympathy when she was murdered.)


Mike rubber masks as merchs when?


Another killer video guys. Jay's intro was great, but this round I feel goes to Mike. It was fucking epic. Finally, Jay saying "Kills" is worst than part V? That's big because to me part V is the dirt bottom of the franchise. Worse than being Busta Rhyme's bitch and worse than Sheri Moon Zombie riding white horses. But Mike and Jay are brilliant, and I absolutely trust when Jay says it's worst given his love of cult and schlock.

Peter Varga

btw guys pls be careful about that knife blade in the set wall, without the handle now that looks legit dangerous to be around


I'm your huckleberry


I know your shots are meant to be off centre slightly but Mike is so far off he's in my apartment kitchen on my TV


You're meant to focus on the pile of VCR's in the background. :) I thought it was a bit odd as well, not sure if intentional somehow.


One vote for Jay, both were good.

Manuel Johnen

The thing that struck me the most while watching "Halloween Kills" was how godawful the dialogue was... the original "Halloween" (despite being Rich Evans' most hated movie ever) has lots and lots of qualities, but I never figured literature Nobel price worthy prose coming out of the characters' mouths was one of them. Still, compared to the endlessly regurgitated non-dialogue of "Halloween Kills", it really feels that way... everyone in that movie has to verbalize the same shit over and over again until you want to vomit... :/ I find it funny that the proclaimed wokeness of the new "Halloween" movie mainly results in Michael Myers now killing more black and gay people... you'd think those alt-right fucks would enjoy seeing that... :P For me, Rob Zombie's white trash remake travesties excepted, this was the WORST "Halloween" sequel of them all... even much worse than "Halloween 5", "Halloween: Resurrection" and BOTH cuts of "Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers"... One positive thing I have to give them credit for, though, those scenes with Donald Pleasence looked REALLY good...

Marissa Adams

Right! Loved the Pleasence scenes a lot. And the Johns. Otherwise, it just felt like a filler/middle movie. Hopefully next/last one is better.

Ian Stewart

Yes to everything you said and more.


Mike channeling Steve Brule for his intros gets my vote. (3:49 in the video)


I was more entertained watching this review than the movie. I mean, my brother and I laughed at the kill scenes in the movie, but once it was over, I never gave it another thought. Except for "I wonder if Mike and Jay will talk about this movie. I wonder what they have to say about it." And now, I will think more about this video than I will think about the movie. Thanks for the laughs guys. And fuck everything, indeed, Mike. And also, we all know Jay is right with his prediction about the new Ghostbusters movie.


I bought a ticket for the theatre just for this episode

Michael Parker

I was worried there at first that Youtube was requiring you guys to censor the profanity in your videos now. That would suck. Also my life may not even really be that hard, but I still really felt Mike's "fuck everything" at the end.


Jay is always right. (“Tums Festival”)


"What happens in Vegas, slays in Vegas" is the tag line you are looking for Mike.


I watched that crappy movie for free and I still want my money back. Well, at least it gave us this HITB......

Marvin Falz

Haha, that dig at Shatner! When I heard the news about Shatner in space or something, my interest immediately flatlined. I wouldn't even give a fuck if they'd built the actual Enterprise. ---- I'm not invested in the Halloween franchise at all, haven't even seen the original John Carpenter classic, but I did really enjoy your discussion, and the creative editing, that went into making this episode. The 'open mouth stare' reactions of the guy on Jamie Lee Curtis' remarks made me laugh. Some great energy in this episode of Half in the Bag!


I WATCHED THE VIDEO AND I CLAPPED. Though I actually liked Halloween Kills, the criticisms are apt and well stated. Especially the criticism of the dialogue and the mob scenes. The Mad Mad Mad Mad World segments had me laughing my ass off (I love that movie).


Old HickoryBerry


God damn the film was complete garbage

Top Hat Monkey

Ok, I vote for Mike's intro, and not just because I felt sorry for him after he said everybody voted for Jay's intro last time. Ok, mostly because of that.


I rewatched the first two "Halloween" movies a fews days before seeing the new movie. And now after seeing "Halloween Kills", even the original "Halloween II" seems like a "masterpiece" in comparison to this new one.


Dune HITB coming soon?


Thinking more about Halloween 2018 and Kills, I now think it was a mistake to retcon the original "Halloween II" out of the timeline. If they kept it in but with Michael surviving the ending to be captured, then it both explains what happened to Loomis (killed at the end of part II) and why Michael still goes after Laurie. And it explains why she so obsessively prepared for decades for him to return. The Michael/Laurie brother/sister twist at the very least gives a reason why he keeps trying to kill her and why she's so afraid of him returning. And added bonus is it ups Michael's kill count for that 1978 Halloween night from just 3 to 12 people and would've made the fear of him by everyone in town decades later make a lot more sense.

Manuel Johnen

You'd have to explain why Michael isn't toast at the end of part II, though... ... ... but that didn't stop them from making "Halloween 4", either... so, yeah...


Movie's tagline should've been "Evil Stares Out of a Window Tonight"


Hoping for a great Halloween Spooktacular this year. My favorite so far was the one with Tim and the Spoopies.


Finally watched the movie and this HitB the other day. I laughed the most at Jay's intro (especially when he got to J-Lo) and my bf laughed the most at Mike's (all the Titanic stuff- because he hated the hospital scenes the most). Great episode! Movie fucking sucked.


“This sequel to a remake of 2 failed reboots from 4 films erased from an alternate timeline….”


I’ve seen the future of horror filmmakers, and it is Dravid Gardon Dingus!


God this movie sucked lol

Leo Puppytime

Amazing. I’m glad you guys watch these movies so I don’t have to.

Leo Puppytime

There’s a lot to be said about David Gordon Green. I loved ‘Snow Angels’ but after that he’s settled into this weird territory. He indulges a sort of morbid and ineffective emotional manipulation. I enjoyed ‘Pineapple Express’ but even then we get these character notes that don’t pay off when people start dying in horrible ways much like the victims in this movie and the 2018 reboot. It’s emotional torture porn. Who’s the real audience for this stuff?