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Hey everyone. We're currently working on the next Half in the Bag, which is mainly a review of the new Neill Blomkamp film that you may or may not know even came out called Demonic! Because why not?? We also go on a side discussion about our thoughts so far on the newest season of American Horror Story. Again, because why not? Movies are a mess and nothing matters!

A kind-of longer term project we've been working on here and there in between other videos is re-watching (or watching for the first time in some cases) all of John Carpenter's films since Jay and Rich are planning to do a re:View episode ranking all of them. No idea when that will actually be shot since it's been time consuming, but it'll probably be coming up sometime soon. Soon-ish? 





Awesome stuff!


Looking forward to that Carpenter vid!! One of the best directors to ever do it.


The John Carpenter film ranking sounds like so much fun! I can't wait! Also, where can we find Demonic if we wanna potentially check it out beforehand?


John Carpenter Re:View Yessss, can't wait


Carpenter project sounds great


As long as y'all are following your dreams

Andre K

Can't wait for the next Quiz Show about Star Wars where all of you stare blankly as the host reads from the Wookiepedia!

Dion Turner

Occasionally…. Very occasionally, I feel like I should revisit ‘Ghosts of Mars’ - but I never do.


Very much looking forward to everything mentioned! So many spooky scares and it’s not even Halloween yet! 🎃

Erik Sheedlo

Keep it up....not much longer we'll all be dead and that's half the battle! Go Red Letter!!


I remember apologizing to my wife after taking her to see Ghosts of Mars. John really lost his mojo after the 80s.


God I hope they like The Fog as much as I do.


Oh my gosh John Carpenter rankings yes please!


Danzig's new movie comes out this weekends. Hope you guys watch it and talk about it soon!


Might as well do a half in the bag for The Nighthouse. I feel like Jay and Mike will enjoy it more than Demonic.


Next quiz show should be something they (may) have little to no film knowledge of. Like "Yugoslavian Cinema!"


Y’all say nothing matters, but this right here matters a lot, so thank you.


Can we make sure Mike says "ghost" at least once. It's my favorite thing,


Saw him in '19 at Keystone Comic Con (remember when we could actually attend cons in person?). He's now a man who loves nothing more than playing video games and deservedly so. Going down the rabbit hole of his works is going to be tremendous. Maybe throw in some music composed entirely on a Casio?


JC's Prince of Darkness!!


I watched demonic. Meh

Eli Harold

*synth music intensifies*


Can't wait to chain-smoke the fuck outta the JC video.


Completely missed demonic, excited for the Carpenter vid. Are you doing a half in the bag on the Green Knight?


Sounds great and was just saying to my son yesterday that it had been a while since we had a HIT (I must be psychic 🤪), perhaps I need to rewatch some John Carpenter movies.

Marvin Falz

"Movies are a mess and nothing matters!" I feel you, but I have to disagree with an inspired quote by Captain Kirk (Star Trek): "NO!" ---- Really looking forward to Rich and Jay talking about John Carpenter movies.


I don't want to delay this great sounding Re:View, but since it is time consuming, I could guess maybe it'll come around Halloween time?


God bless the work you do.


Hell yeah, RLM pimps


Damn! A total Carpenter retrospective? Can't wait!


Love it. Especially looking forward to that Carpenter re:View.


Carpenter did excellent work and took great care with Big Trouble in Little China (though unfortunately the marketing team did not). As a lady of mixed Chinese/white ancestry, I do not take offense from this film in the slightest (it’s actually in my top 5 favorites of all time), although I think the opinion of how racist the film is varies in the Asian community (relevant), as well as the pretentious white folk community (unneeded). I grew up watching it, and always loved that the real hero is Wang Chi (and remains the dreamy one). Being mixed-race, I don’t always feel like I 100% belong or have opinions that are fully valued in any society… For me this movie’s appeal is that it fuses cultures (both of mine) in a fantastical and fun way. Pure love.

Darren Broadbent

Wow! So much awesome in one update! I can't wait to complain that you didn't put They Live higher on the JC rank off!


G of M is one of my guilty pleasures.... I actually liked it...lol


I feel like they're making a point to not even acknowledge the existence of The Green Knight


You can release that John Carpenter Re:view anytime you want, but I am not watching it until October


Love it. You guys should look into hypnotherapy- I sleep like a baby to the smooth sounds of Rich Evans cackling.


A Carpenter Retrospective sounds nice. They Live better be ranked in the top 5 or else.


Oh yeah your homeboy Macaulay's in the new season. That's literally all I know about it but I feel like that's all that really matters.


Excited about the John Carpenter re:View. Curious to hear what your thoughts are on certain movies of his. Hopefully it’s an extended episode as well.


Im curious, every neil blomkamp movie after district 9, has been a dissapointment. The trailer for demonic looks crazy in a good way

Stephen Navarrete

Dark Star and Prince of Darkness are underrated.

Jeff Kleist

Will we ever see Vibrations get a Re:view. Teasing us on PLINkETTO wasn’t fair ;)

damien glenn

When you say newest season of AHS do you mean last season( 1984), Stories ( the season that started a month ago thats a new series entirely of one off episodes with a confusing af name), or the season that started last night staring Mr. McCulkin?

Eric Darling

Good timing-the Blank Check podcast is doing a series on John Carpenter right now, an episode on each of his films in order. Last one was Halloween which was excellent


Oh nice, I actually worked on some of the technical graphics stuff for Demonic! Don't rip it up too hard 🙈


That movie is spectacularly and wonderfully bad. There’s so much to unpack. I’d be cool with it even if it’s selected somehow on BOTW.


One of my favorite things I learned about John Carpenter recently is that he loves playing video games! Excited for the re:View


Oh geez, Demonic. Watched it a couple of days ago. Well.... would better fit a BOTW episode but ok.... There are such interesting movies out right now, The Green Knight, Violation, No Man of God.... Oh well, I'm sure it's going to be a funny and entertaining HITB as always anyway.

Manuel Johnen

What about the Redletter curse...? Everytime you talk about someone, the person dies soon afterwards... do you want to kill him...? :/


tell Mike to stop being lazy and do the final Star Wars plinkett video


I’m looking forward to the John Carpenter re:View!!! Haven’t seen all his movies yet but most. When you hear those synth basses you know you’re in for a good time


As long as you guys have plans for another Best of the Worst Halloween drunken stupor like last time you'll always have my Patreon support. It's what's keeping me going through this Pandemic.


That Carpenter films Re:View sounds amazing! Looking forward to it.


Cue Mike waking from a hazy dream vision of a shadowy Jay emerging from the main entrance to DIX a la “Prince of Darkness.”


No. I love Mike's total apathy towards the thing that made him famous. He does whatever he wants, isn't tied down to anything, and totally ignores what "the fans" want. And that's why he's so powerful.


Close, but no. The correct answer is either Rich emerging from D.I.X. or Jay emerging from the Man Hole.


really looking forward to this re:View, maybe a good chance for Jay to redeem himself from his recent trivia losses...

Michael Parker

Damn, I was hoping for maybe a Re:View/Half in the Bag on Candyman 1992 and Candyman 2021. Still, it's always fun to see y'all potentially rip into something not very good at all. Fingers crossed Mike and Jay highlight films like Candyman, Green Knight and The Night House in some kind of 2021 catch up video. The John Carpenter video sounds cool. I'm not in love with a lot of his work myself. I mainly just love the og Halloween and The Thing is my favorite horror film. Other than that I like Christine and In the Mouth of Madness the best out of his other movies.


I hope you guys talk about candyman at some point


Great stuff cheers guys


They’re not going to do a HITB on movies that are only in theatres.


Just watched Nobody and loved it so much it had me wanting you guy's take on it. I'm hoping it makes it to a Half in the Bag wrap up. By no means a perfect movie, but the tone was so great I didn't even care.


Apparently Disney is reviving the Rocketeer as "Return of the Rocketeer". I'd be surprised if Mike and Rich don't watch it. Oh, and apparently "it will focus on a retired Tuskegee airman". I hope RLM gets paid.


Get with it!! I don’t want my two bucks a month going to waste!! P.s.—come visit Hurley.


What’s a ‘John Carpeter’?


A man who spends his woodworking income on prostitutes.


I want a Quick Cuts of Mike just staring at the camera and talking about Ghost Adventures with corresponding footage. I dare you.


If you can find it, try to fit in the John Carpenter episode of Masters of Horror, "Cigarette Burns". It's like a better, more coherent Ninth Gate with Norman Reedus and Udo Kier.

Manuel Johnen

It's not, it's actually one of the worst things Carpenter ever did and total garbage. One of the low points of the first season of MoH... Not that "The Ninth Gate" is a masterpiece or anything, but it is better than the totally awful "Cigarette Burns".


Oh man, I hope they talk about Dark Star on the re:View!

Jessie Zimmer

This just makes me want to rewatch the original. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


Are you doing a half in the bag for Shang-chi?

Mr. Derek Magnuson

When are you going to do the Half in the Bag review for Shang Chi & the legend of the ten rings? 

Lance Pendergrass

Please don't do Shang Chi. Keep doing original stuff that you're interested in. Here, I'll do the Shang Chi review: It was another Marvel movie. It was fine. A financially safe movie playing off current social political trends for easy marketing and appeal. Done.