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Here's our expansive wall of all the famous faces we've gotten autographs from over the years!




Why is Rich Evans not on that wall?


Thanks for sharing, Mike. Very cool!


guess the lou ferigno autograph got destroyed in that old HITB lol

James Murphy

Who else do you need?


I’m surprised Mac didn’t sign home alone 4


Why isn’t Ring Master up there?


You've got that Robert Picardo one, right?


Where in God's name is Jeffrey Combs??


Didnt you have a photo of that Voyager Doctor Hologram guy? Wasnt that signed?


Couldn't get Mac or Pat to sign something?


I rate neelix way above Torres, chakotay and kes in voyager.


Had to zoom in - at first I thought it was Bea Arthur and was wondering why this wasn’t displayed more prominently

Rick Drake

How embarrassing.


Shocked Patton didn't want to sign Ratatoing


Where's Rich ?

Tim Fuglsang

You have another Star Trek autograph, by the way. James Doohan's. It's on the cover of your copy of Through Dead Eyes. You should hang that too. Then, you'll pretty much have all the autographs you need. I mean, Ethan Phillips AND Doohan? That's basically all the A-listers there are, right?


which must mean Tm Heidecker, Macauly Culkin and Patton Oswalt all said some version of; "no, eventhough I´m already here."


Didn't halloween have a sign?


Only one is needed. :)


Where's the Horse Ninja comic???

Andre K

And of course it's a Star Trek actor

Goldy Loxx

Pin up Jerry Springer book next to it.


So Jay took home his signed copy of that cat ear massage tape?


Where's Robert Picardo with the Thrombic Modulator???


Please put Doug 'Awl "d" Best ' Anderson up there, its what he deserves x


Woah... Settle down there, "Brag-Boys".

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I'm cancelling my subscription. I thought you guys had more taste than this and I am disgusted. Who's next? The guy who played Ronin in Sub Rosa? Whoever was responsible for "writing" Shades of Gray? Just shameful.


Fucking Neelix. Such an odd character. I should go do some behind-the-scenes research. He was so universally reviled, so consistently annoying and useless, and he made it through until almost the end of the show.


Shoulda stuck with Tuvix.


This is what the top of the mountain looks like.

Poo In An Alleyway

Also the Nail Gun Massacre tape signed by Cheryl


RLM is slowly becoming a Star Trek channel. If we only got Jay to watch all of TNG...


Len Kabasinski must have told them no

Eli Harold

Yeah it's behind them in some BOTW episodes they got it signed at the same con they interviewed him at.


Everyone's favorite Star Trek clown.


Sad tromboneeeee


Where's Robert picardo?

diego kontarovsky

keep at it guys, pretty soon that wall will be filled with talaxians!


On the flip side Ethan Phillips is the nicest of the cast :P


I can't stop saying Aaaaaaaaape


George Lucas needs to be up on that wall. After all he and Plinkett share salad and the occasional sexual encounter. Shouldn’t be too uncomfortable to ask for a signed photo on one of these outings.


literally the only one u need boys trust me

Amanda Foster

Naturally it would be something Star Trek related 😂


Some day Bill Shatner will come around and end up on that wall.

Blake R.

i'd be happy to send you mine


My sister worked at a movie theater in Washington, and James Doohan used to frequently go there. She was treated rudely by Bill Nye the Science Guy (this is the mid-90s) when he ordered popcorn, and soon after that - within a couple weeks - Mr. Doohan showed up. She decided not to talk to him because she thought "Oh he'll be a dick like Bill Nye". Turns out he was a really sweet person, and thrived on talking and mingling with people. At one point, he was sitting on a bench near the restrooms, quietly and by himself. My sister thought, "Oh, he looks so lonely." She said to me "I wish then that I had talked to him. But I didn't." Low and behold, turns out my sister's husband used to work with Doohan, and he said "Yeah James was a really, really nice man." I learned from that story that any time I meet a celebrity I feel like I want to talk to, don't hesitate. If they're a jerk, then so be it. But if they are nice, then you'll never know until you actually attempt to approach them (but courteously, and in a proper setting. Not like, while he's pissing in the urinal next to you or something).




It's perfect

Marvin Falz

Nobody said it, since nobody here's insane, and neither am I, but still, let me be the one who says: you got a wall? https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/misunderstanding-girl-young-woman-looking-camera-incomprehension-face-expression-88011576.jpg


I've got one of Armin Shimmerman, if Neelix needs a friend!


Where's the Robert Picardo? I know you have one, iirc you have one from Lou Ferrigno too


Lol amazing. I know you got some more autographs over the years though, it would be neat to have a showcase about those


Jake Lloyd?

Juan Calvo

If only William Shatner could give Mike an autograph, he could be his next favorite Star Trek clown.


Mike, stop posting pics of your bedroom walls


This is the most cursed thing you've ever posted.


Oh I know there are others - Robert Picardo, perhaps you could put the Cameron Mitchell photo up too, but maybe what you really wanted was just a Star Trek wall, keep on posting small things regularly it’s great, I’m in lockdown and it’s giving me something to look forward to reading posts

Hunter Clifton Mann

surely Rich Evans knows how to write his own name down


I believe I've heard of that character before. The alien in the radiator. Is David Lynch's Voyager any good?


It means nothing if you don't have an autograph from Tuvix.


Wait, where's Robert Picardo's face? Or was that not autographed?


What about Ken Foree from Death Spa? Or you can frame that Awl "D" Best Magic guy's tape, with the weird hair...


Who the fuck is it?


I always wanted to get a head shot of Tom Wright and ask him to sign it as "Ethatim Russips"

Big Snake

Always on the look out for interesting VHS tapes for you guys, however I didn't know the blob was filmed in Abbeville, which is like, 10-15 miles away from where I live.


Lol voyager stinks 😖

Nathan Campbell

What about the Evil Dead artist who autographed a drawing for Mike when he cracked the case of the missing Necronomicon page?


Love the idea of Mike giving Mac or Patton a Tour: Mike: over here we have our expansive wall of the celebrity autographs we’ve gotten over the years Patton: oh, did you want me to sign something? Mike: … Mike: over here we have Rich Evans’ favorite chair


Tom Sullivan. Mike said he still kept the page that said "You rock!" or whatever generic thing people sign autographs with (even though you just saved the Necronomicon).


I just sign up for the top level Patreon and THIS is the content that greets me. I wouldn’t have expected anything else.


wait, I thought you guys had Jake Lloyd sign a photo that one time...that was like, 45 years ago, at some point in the Before Time.

Jeff Kleist

I have a Breen signed headshot.


When I zoomed it got even funnier. The wall you pervs!


Neelix is not a celebrity. This is fraud.