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Hey everyone. The Dungeons and Dragons commentary track is now available on our Bandamp page. As with our previous commentary tracks, if Patrons would like a free download code, please DM us here on Patreon asking for a code (don't just leave a comment below this post or it will get missed). 


Dungeons and Dragons Commentary Track, by Red Letter Media

Listen to Mike, Rich, and Jay talk about the most forgotten movie in history, Dungeons and Dragons (2000). The last time the movie industry got away with putting something so terrible up on the big screen! Start the commentary track right after the proper New Line Cinema logo.







More like hacks & frauds


Cool. Sounds like a perfect Sunday


Just in time for my birthday tomorrow. Thanks for the offer, but I got the $1.


Oh my, yes

Alessio Roic

Is this Uwe Boll pile of crap available on any streaming service? I mean outside of paying 2.99 for it on Amazon Prime?


Lol Apple is for sure suddenly confused why purchases of Dungeons and Dragons shot up 10,000%


I can report that here in Denmark it’s not available anywhere; not even to buy from the iTunes Store. Guess I’ll have to get it [elsewhere]


Anybody in North America know where this turd might be streaming, beside the sewer?

Aberdine Bumbledorf

JustWatch says it's available for rent on most of the platforms. No Netflix or anything unfortunately.

Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

This is one of my favorite bad movies. So glad you all did this


That’s it! The final push to get me to watch this film and ruin any respect I had for Jeremy Irons

Manuel Johnen

This pile of crap is not from Uwe Boll... Uwe Boll had nothing to do with this.


Anyone know if this movie is on any streaming services? I'd hate to have to pay for this lol.


Ugh. "A sound of thunder" and this... same energy. One with Jeremy Irons one with Ben Kingsley

Alessio Roic

Ah yes - I confused it with In The Name of The King + associate any bad game/ ideogame adaptation to Uwe...

Marvin Falz

Aah, a new commentary track! Thanks, guys!

Manuel Johnen

"In The Name of The King" is not amazing, but it is better than this...


Mike admitting he played D&D in high school has made me a happy D&D nerd, haha.

Katie Kelley

Does is matter what tier patron?


Nope, I'm lowest level and I can listen to it. A very nice giveaway.


I'd buy that for a dollar.


Rich was wondering what he remembers that blue lipped guy (Bruce Payne) from and I immediately shouted “ THE BAD GUY FROM HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME!!,” which came out the same year as D&D.


This was worth at least 1$


Commentary Tracks are the top tier RLM content. Best gift I could get on a Sunday! Thanks guys


This movie has the look and feel of a Disney channel original in the 2000s. Kinda baffling that they released this in theaters


Ah, the Phantom Menace of DnD movies! At least Jeremy Irons was having fun even if we weren't. Thanks for doing this one! :3


Goddamn right that's Tom Baker.


Guys, please play a D&D oneshot. There are a lot of resources for short homebrew campaigns.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Haha that's exactly what I said in my DM to them. "Whoever owns the rights to this movie is going to be really confused by the sudden spike in popularity."


Rich is right, the Saturday Morning Cartoon of Dungeons and Dragons was so great!!!


How the fuck did they spend 30-40 million on this. Did irons take 41 million payout up front? And they just happen to catch a break when saban decided to make a d&d TV movie special?


Oh god, seeing them play through a 5E oneshot is honestly a shameful dream of mine after this.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

By far the best Patreon on...Patreon. I don't even need to be a member of any others to know this.


Omg I can’t wait, I always pay $5 for these, what does everyone else usually pay for commentary tracks? I appreciate the free download but I prefer paying for your content, you’re absolutely worth every penny even if you are frauds.

Rick Drake

This was a good way to spend a Sunday. It was better than watching the Packers.


Mike's story about killing Lord Soth, the Darth Vader of the Dragonlance setting, was great. There's no way that DM didn't feel a bit letdown about Soth going out like that.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

OK, I'm trying to line up the commentary track and I'm still having trouble ten minutes in. When they say "start the commentary track *right after the proper New Line Cinema logo*," do they mean after the logo starts forming, after it stops forming and "New Line Cinema" pops up, or after the logo disappears. Very unclear! I expect better from hacks and frauds. *Sigh* You know, I bet people in Third World countries don't have problems like these. Life just isn't fair sometimes.


Mike I'm not at all surprised that you used to play d&d and even less surprised that you played a spellcaster (also I relistened and realized you actually did list intelligence as an ability score, which is apparently my dump stat). LotR holds up pretty dang well. There are definitely some parts, especially in Two Towers, that are very noticeably of the time, but overall they're so well done that I don't care. Also a Fifth Element or Big Trouble review/commentary might be cool.


"I thought you didn't believe in ghosts" "I don't" caught in a lie

Ross Nugent

Biggest reveal is that Mike played Vampire the Masquerade. What a nerd

Dominic O'Neill

I'm gonna pay for this cos you guys are swell


Arguably, the most over the top, scenery chewing, exaggerated, horrible actor I've ever seen.


Funny thing about Richard O'Brien being in this film is that in the UK he used to host a game show called The Crystal Maze in which people would go into different rooms attempting to solve puzzles and challenges and if they do they win a crystal. He'd also riff on the contestants as they were in the room. It's weird to see him just play exactly the same role in this!


Listening to Mike describe what he remembers of AD&D mechanics and gameplay is the belated Christmas present I didn’t know I wanted.


The way Rich describes his idea for a DnD movie sounds exactly like The Gamers, but maybe less comedic. A group of tabletop RPG players have a campaign and the movie goes back and forth between the fantasy world and their gaming session. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0369445/


There are so many ways to integrate Dungeons and Dragons lore into a movie without being overt, from spell names and described effects, to monsters and their lore, to classes, gods, etc. Also, Dungeons and Dragons over the decades has inspired so many great story tellers, you could easily tell a heist story with a fantasy backdrop, an epic fantasy ala Lord of the Rings, a war story, a political thriller, anything really. Not to mention there are so many great examples of better written 'generic' fantasy than this nonsense. Just adapt one of the Dragonlance books for gods sake.


Yeah, I was trying to guess the edition he would have played. Based on the time frame, the 1990s, probably would have been 2nd Edition? Unless Mike played with a group that insisted on staying with the the 1st Edition.


Rented this and the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie on the same weekend. Not positive there is a god, but if there is, it hates me.


Thank you for the content! Please keep giving me more reasons to give you money.


I had to resync it too, I suppose you have to start the commentary when the New Line logo comes up, not when it fades away.


Make a constitution check. Thanks for the commentary!


That looks really cool, but I'm not willing to ruin my perfect record of never seeing that movie.


Was looking at the BOTW playlist and one video is marked deleted. I guess the spotlight on diamond cobra? You haven't lost your edge obviously.


I would be really interested to see RedLetterMedia play Dungeons & Dragons as an actual play. I think you all would make for a really hilarious band of adventurers. :)

Hungry Carrot

i know the one with Max was removed becuase hes a gross weirdo but i guess whats her name got it taken down


That’s a good one. Also the same people made Dark Dungeons, an adaptation of one of those radical christian comics that linked rpgs with satanic panic. Somebody failed to see the irony and took the movie seriously (cough coughJontron), but it’s actually hilarious. The rpgers in it are the cool kids in college, I mean, c’mon.


what is Bandamp?


I am interested in the full song that is featured on Mike and Jay's podcast clip from Boomer Fight video. Could someone direct me to that? Thank you.


I never watched this movie. Should I watch it before listening to RLM's commentary track?


It probably won't help. The movie has no real plot, so you're not going to miss any nuance.


I am so proud and embarrassed at the same time that I live in the country this masterpiece was filmed entirely in. I had to get drunk watching it again.

Sarah Low

From the wikipedia entry: "While working on Dungeons & Dragons, ...Marlon Wayans was also filming Requiem for a Dream (2000), meaning he had to go back and forth from Prague to New York and deadlines for fight scenes involving the character became very strict."

Dave Chin

"As with our previous commentary tracks, if Patrons would like a free download code" THAT'S A THING?!?! Wish I had known that earlier!