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Hey everyone! We just shot a new Best of the Worst. It's our first Plinketto episode in over a year! It also gave us a chance to film with our new lights, pictured above. We were long, loooooong overdue for an upgrade on our lighting. The dummies are not a part of the episode by the way. 

We're also planning to shoot a new Half in the Bag very soon for the movies Synchronic and Psycho Goreman, which just came out on VOD today and may or may not feature a tiny voice cameo from some guy named Rich Evans.




I feel joy


Are these mannequins going to replace the redlettermedia crew ?


Reviewing movies featuring Rich Evans seems like the perfect way to celebrate Dick the Birthday Boy!


Well, THESE dummies aren't part of the video.


Super glad to hear you’re talking about Psycho Goreman— it seems like forever since I’ve actually looked forward to a movie


What happened to the Dungeon and Dragons commentary? Can't wait to hear that.


How did you clone Jack three times?


I get it's January, but even some winter sun can add some color to those pale faces.

Brock Otterbacher

4 dummies sittin around the table. Just another ep of BOTW. ;)

Daniel McLeod

Any doll can be a sex doll if you have enough slime.


When I initially saw one of the dummies, I thought it was Jack.


The synths from Picard are taking their revenge!


Can't wait!




Figured you had just cloned Jack.


Been watching you guys since 2010. Is it just me or did anyone else just now realize the BOTW lights are sitting on top of vhs tapes? Wtf...


I'm high rn and thought that was 4 Jacks at first

Nathan Campbell

Love this news! Plinketto's are always a fun time.


This is why I support you guys on patreon. Your high quality sets and production quality are and should be a standard.

Rick Drake

That ZAAT shirt is putting in more work than the people who made ZAAT.


What kinda lights are these?! I need new lights, I wanna buy lights too!!


I just realized the platform supporting the big B O T W is made of VHS tapes. Brilliant.


The dummies clearly represent Mike, Rich, Jay and Jack in that order.


Wait a minute. That's not Mike.


Tiny voice. Huge heart.


Can't wait!


I love Plinketto it’s my favorite B O T W gimmick but is it possible to make a B O T W gimmick that’s a version of press your luck? Where all the movies are whammies?


Thanks so much guys! I can't wait till it comes out so I can use it as an excuse to not do homework!


Hell yeah 😁


Wait Rich Evans AND Stuart Wellington in the same movie?!!


We can never have enough Rich Evans... Plus, really psyched about your thought on Psycho Goreman !


Nice use of foam on the ceiling to get rid of the echo. :)

Dane Liergaard

Looks great! Thanks for keeping us entertained, hope you're staying safe while doing it!

Mike St Louis

It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if Jack & Rich wanted to do a new Previously-Recorded. For old time’s sake! A rant about Cyberpunk 2077! I know the show was retired but I miss it... 😉


I think Jack 1's leg is broken.


Lol, aren't the dummies in *every* episode? :b


Cool. Will blind buy the two half in the bag films


Have loved everything Benson and Moorhead have done to date. So happy you're covering Synchronic in HitB, thanks guys.

Tim Fuglsang

Oh boy! I'm really looking forward to another Plinketto, but I fear the guys are gonna drop the ball on this one...


Paging Dr. Plinkett...


I'm interested to see what movies you guys watch this time. Jack gave a little tease on twitch that one film was disturbing enough that you guys added a content warning for it? Which brings to my mind films like Salo, A Serbian film, Last House on the Left, or I Spit on your Grave. None of those films sound like enjoyable BotW material though. So what film could it be? On a more happy note, congrats on 10,000 patrons, RLM! 10,000 of us who support RLM and believe in you hack frauds!


Wow - 4 Jacks!


Oooh Synchronic it’s from the guys that did The Endless (2017) Looking forward to hearing your thoughtsz

Rick Drake

You know we're all thinking it: Are they fucking those dummies?


What the heck? Yall cloned Jack? Why?


those lights look scary!!!!

Twit In A Hat

I like to imagine four shirtless dudes in the studio waiting impatiently for the lighting test to be done.


Would still love to see that Doom Patrol discussion! Hope that's still on the radar.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Yay, another Plinketto! I hope you've moved Abraxas closer to the middle so the ball has a chance of landing on it. I keep waiting for that Abraxas review...


I started watching this after Mike recommended it. It's really good, but nobody told me it would be so dang depressing.


Talk about these ghoulies 2 puppets too https://bloody-disgusting.com/toys/3648867/trick-treat-studios-unleashing-ghoulies-ii-puppets-masks-halloween/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BloodyDisgusting+%28Bloody+Disgusting%29


So many Alexander Skarsgards, so little time.

Jason Murillo

Good of Colin to bring himself and his clones in for the lighting test.


I’m sure the new lighting will look beautiful while illuminating the smooth baldness of Gabe and his friends.


Impact C-Stands and two Aputure 300D II. Nice

Andréanne Dion

A fridge full of beer right there, makes sense!


Very cool (in the nerd crew voice)


I’m basically a nerd crew guy but for RLM instead of Disney


Love it


Funnily enough the Escapist hinted at this when they were explaining where Jack was on Wednesday


C'mon Deathstalker 3!

Netero H

Sweet! Now I'll be able to tell the difference between Mike and his stand-in

Arch Friend

looks like an interrogation room or a ufo abduction


PG starring Rich Evans


Where is the Dungeons and Dragons comment-track?

Marvin Falz

The upside down and backwards BOTW lights in the first picture. xD Clearly, those dummies are either tulpas waiting to be disintegrated into golden seeds, or they're vessels, waiting to receive the spirits of otherwordly beings, to perform as guest stars. Other voices, whispering strange words from the darkness of the nightly realms, explain the dummies are used for test recordings, but those voices are obviously wrong.


Saw both Synchronic and Psycho Goreman last year at the Fantasy Filmfest here in Germany...... in the theater! Looking forward to the HITB episode!


Will all the Jack Clones be in the Video?


Looking forward to the new videos! Also, I’m fascinated by the behind-the-scenes stuff, new lightning, etc, so thanks for sharing.

Roy Allan

Very cool.

Twisted Wishes

Did the Dungeons and Dragons commentary track drop and I missed it?

Jessie Zimmer

It's not up yet. Here's the link to their Bandcamp page: https://redlettermedia.bandcamp.com/audio

Max Eliaser

I can tell which is which.

Erik Sheedlo

Just joined Patreon because you are doing the lord's work! Satan appreciates true artists!


No Mandalorian Season 2 Discussion?


What’s the time code for Rich’s cameo? Just watched PG today and I remember hearing him but I forget when in the movie it was.


You already had the rest days? I'm sure we all want you to be at optimal health, please consider reviewing your holiday policy. Coming from Europe with 4 week holidays your pace seems extreme. Love you.


ahhh The Endless, that's been sitting in my Netflix watchlist forever...


That's an extremely awesome setup! I love seeing the studio space!


Psycho Goreman was great. The feel good movie of 2021.


Is synchronic in the same universe as resolution and the endless? I guess I’ll watch it to find out


Didn't notice any direct connections but could have missed something. Synchronic is a bit more like Spring than The Endless or Resolution.


Ya know, has there ever been a Valentine's Day BotW special? I have to imagine that there's some Valentine's-themed garbage out there worth watching that aren't rom-coms.


Horrifying :)