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Here's some behind the scenes photos of the construction of this year's Halloween Best of the Worst set. Rich built the trees out of basic dollar store foam board and also painted them. The cauldron was detailed by Jay, from a basic Halloween store cauldron that was modified, and he also made the "burning embers" under the cauldron from a string of Halloween lights with expanding foam insulation sprayed over them and then spray painted various shades of grey and red. The shape of the ember pile kind of ended up looking like that giant pile of dinosaur shit in Jurassic Park, but it's so dark in the actual video that it still works.




You guys are great, thanks!


This was a great episode guys, thank you for the hard work you put in for all of us!

Joshua Mannix

How'd you guys cut the trees out of the squares?


Super creative, i look forward to seeing your halloween sets every year (:


Tell Rich I was spooked by his scary trees, job well done

Daniel E. Passaro

I thought it looked very good. It was a fun setting.


Nice to see where our Patreo-bucks go! Great job on all this fellas!


Love the attention to detail you guys put into your sets.

Tony P.

Freaking awesome work gents!!! Thanks for all the fun.

Matt M.

Oh wow, I was actually wondering about that set. It looked great, and the colors popped in a way that made me wonder if some kind of green-screen was involved. Very nicely done.


All of you are soooo crafty! Has Rich ever considered doing a DIY Youtube Craft Channel RLM style? I feel you guys would add such a funny twist to the genre of Youtube videos :P But seriously, incredibly talented and great work guys!


It looked great! Your efforts don't go unnoticed!


No green screen but the background color was changed to purple in post. Purple lights were used on the set, but it came out looking more blue on camera, so the colors were tweaked in editing.

Nathan Campbell

Everything looks great. Awesome to see the how-to pictures, keep 'em coming please.

Poo In An Alleyway

Nice touch using pieces of granola on the cauldron


I really like seeing the in progress photos. The purples popped but I never would have guessed they were done in post.


So much hard work!! Love seeing this

Ross Nugent

Did you put a food safe plastic container inside the cauldron? I kept thinking about how toxic chemicals could have been leeching into the witch's brew. People really aren't supposed to drink out of those things.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Awesome. You guys have been cranking out videos at a crazy rate lately. I like to think that it's to give us all a little joy during these difficult times (it's not as if you get paid by the video). Regardless of the reasons, thanks!


Was having only one tree with a face an artistic choice or a 'fuck it' choice?


Wait those weren't real trees


I know I say this every time but I would fully watch a separate series that was just Rich building stuff


Wowww, great job on the set props, Rich and Jay. I was wondering if the trees were hand carved and whether or not they were foam, and now I know! That’s super impressive. I’m also glad y’all had a pitcher in that cauldron bc I was wondering about that 😂


These are awesome.


It looked amazing!


So much talent and dedication- thanks guys! Jay, do you decorate the screening room? It's always so whimsically spooky.

Juan Calvo

I bet the spookiest part was cutting those foam tree shapes.

Juan Calvo

Like "American Chopper" but with 100% more bumping into things and tripping.


I'm so new to the patreon but being able to see stuff like this is so sick! love the process, love the fact that rich is the best carpenter this side of jesus christ of nazareth

Marvin Falz

Fucking fantastic!


How many wheelchairs do you own?


Does anyone want to talk about how terrible season 2 of Mando is!?! Group chat?


This is amazing! Thanks for all the effort you guys put in.


"Your honor may I present Exhibit A as to why this creator is worth every penny."


Great episode! You guys are a national fucking treasure.


Cant wait for some outtakes :)... shocked a Re:View was posted so soon after BOTW


I am an inspiring Filmmaker (of sorts) and these BTS featurettes/.images/etc have really inspired me to get my arse into gear and start making stuff. Also wanna thank you guys for dropping in info like Tom Savini's Book (I only knew him as the 'Biker Zombie' from Dawn of the Dead but you guys gave me a reason to dig deeper and just ordered his book, well Books both books in one anthology.)


Set design pics are the best pics


Rich is a master craftsman! I hope he's in a union!


I'd really like to know some more about Rich's professional background. He makes some impressive stuff. My understanding is he was in construction before RLM really took off and let the gang do internet videos full time.


I wonder if Rich was doing interesting finish carpentry stuff where his creativity could flow, or if it was more everyday framing/drywall/paint/trim. He's got some interesting skills of an artist. Shame to think of an alternate universe where he never got to put those talents to use.


If Rich Evans is a carpenter then that makes perfect sense. A lot of parallels between him and our lord messiah.


Rich Evans is a fucking artist!

Bort Ward

I can't see why other movie reviewers dare ask for more money than RLM on Patreon when all they do is stand in front of a green screen/bookshelf. We can actually see the efforts here: props, effects, and booze in plastic containers.

Davey Cakes

The sets are always fantastic. I loved last year's Halloween set as well. RLM has such a great studio, and they really put in the work. Rich is great at what he does.