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Rich and Mike's Second TNG Top Ten Video part 2 (of 2) - re:View

I've gone cross-eyed! Heaven's Gate! My word! Why let's just call this "Rich and Mike talk some more about TNG episodes they like" this has gone off the rails! Let's not continue to confuse ourselves. We should have thought this out more! Either way, Rich and Mike talk about more TNG episodes. Maybe they'll talk about more in the future? One thing I can tell you as of right now, neither Rich or Mike have watched a minute of Star Trek Discovery season 3 so please stop asking. Mike and Rich have only watched the first episode of Lower Decks and then abruptly stopped, never to return to it.



Dammit, on raid night! Will have to watch after. Thanks fellas!


I can’t wait!!!!!!!


thanks i needed this


So close to 1:23:45 in length boys


I would love to hear Jay's comments in the background as they talk star trek


So glad I got BACK from the gym, or I would have skipped my workout. Now, I have a reward!


I didn’t even notice Rich saying Farscape, god I’m so fucked up

mike bouchard

i must have been hard to live up to RLM quality and requirements while having to produce 26 episodes within a yearly season. ;P


perfect timing!


Mike hates "Parallels" because the barriers between him and Mr. Plinkett are breaking down like the barriers between universes in that episode. Seriously, I'd add $20 to my monthly RLM contribution to ensure a continuing series of "Two Hack Frauds discuss every Star Trek TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY" episode.


Adam Nimoy directed the great "For the Love of Spock" documentary on Netflix among other things. He just directs TV and stuff, in that movie he basically give you the whole lowdown on his life. PS- If you look carefully in several episodes Spiner's white full-body makeup comes off all over the Ops console.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Man do I want them to do DS9, but I'd like both a favorite episodes and an overall review of the show. Once you get into the fourth season, so many episodes become connected and the overarching story just gets better and better from there. It really is unique among the Trek shows and every character is so strong and completely unique (side note: last statement not necessarily true for the first season). Even the standalone episodes are often aces because they tend to take one or two of the characters and create a story built just for them, adding to their rich histories, like Jadzia's Klingon adventures. It's also the show where the idea of Worf from TNG becomes the actual Worf. And Garak is...well, Garak is just the best. Andrew Robinson is a treasure. As is Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Could we have a five worst? I just want to hear you guys talk about Dr. Crusher fucking a ghost.


OK, commenting twice to say: "Is it a Romulan plot? is it a ploy to start a war?" was a spit take moment for me (A+ nerd reference, gents), and worlds are colliding between RLM and The Greatest Generation in re: Riker and the holodeck.


Lower Decks has a character clean the filters on the holodecks, it's explained a little more crassly in the show.


Y'all are precious. Brightened my day thanks!


I really want to see a Deep Space Nine discussion. It's really taken on a new life recently and on a rewatch, based on the characters alone, it's my favorite series in the franchise.


"There's garbage everywhere and Jake has no bed! Come back Captain Picard come backkkkk"

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I think you guys are too hard on Riker for being a "pervert." Riker's the only person on the show who's realistic with the holodeck. For people in the TNG future, the holodeck would basically be today's internet porn. Troi: "Computer, Troi's Personal Hugh Jackman Program Number 398. No, wait, make that Hugh Jackman Program Number 424. I want some leather today." I hope the janitorial staff is all robotic because cleaning those places would be traumatizing as hell.


Really appreciate the Eric Andre-esque chaotic energy you've been bringing to the program, Mike. Lonely alien man boy child episode looks adorable and Worf apparently continues to be a treasure despite the uncontrollable bouts of racism. Stay safe tomorrow guys, the world's a fucking nightmare.

Jessie Zimmer

Good lord, y'all are putting out videos fast lately. Wasn't expecting this so early in the week. Hello, pre-bedtime entertainment.


Is RLM sponsored by NOS energy drink now? There was one in this video as well as one in the BOTW Halloween episode.


I thought the bit about Data and the watched pot never boiling was more about him trying to understand human perception of time. Time feels slower when we are anticipating something and he was trying to experience that. That was just my take away from that part.

David Perek

Pretty sure Barclay is implied to be a pervert too; but he is sort of an expected one, while Riker is just such a casanova he can't hold himself back in spite of not really needing to use the holodeck.

David Perek

I couldn't help but think about that episode while I was watching Picard. Which was more detrimental to Roddenberry's vision in an attempt to inexplicably extend the thematic reach of the show. Also good to contrast to Insurrection; I could see cases being made for each of the above, but I liked that episode because at least the Federation was not evil and in fact more sensible as a place to live than most of the Earth scenes or colonies pictured elsewhere in later series.

Clancy Murphy

"The bends" is decompression sickness (gas coming out of solution in the bloodstream) and is characterized by wracking pains that feel as if your bones/joints are bending. There's also nitrogen narcosis which can cause you to lose consciousness when breathing compressed gasses but what you guys are talking about is a psychological condition technically referred to as "space crazies" (or "the screaming moist" when occurring at depth...)

Juan Calvo

Come on, if Humanity got over not being the center of the Universe then "Parallels" can at least make it in the guilty pleasure list. But I'm glad "The Inner Light" was not included either, the more I watch it the creepier it gets (and not creepy in a fun way). Great episode, another classic to be replayed over and over in my background music playlist.

Marvin Falz

Aah, another enjoyable episode! Thanks, Rich and Mike! :) --- Kirk beat Spock in chess because he pushed Spock's buttons expertly. What a dick.


I had a fear that this would be the last, and nearly leapt out of my skin when hearing about guilty pleasures!! Thanks again for these episodes.


Thank you, gents.


It was very smart of Rich to consider the new TNG viewers when he picked his top five. Gotta scaffold those episodes if you want to build a new fanbase.


I’d watch an infinite number of Star Trek talk videos, also a feature length video of Mike just going full Zaat in the studio

Jason Cooley

I'm watching most of these TNGs for the first time (I gave up halfway through the first season when it aired) and Timescape is by far the worst one. They just looked tired, and it proved once again that Deanna Troi is about as useful as a pocketful of dogshit.


I get the sense Jay edited this. Not sure why...


Rich and Mike talking TNG is more relaxing than a dip in the emerald wading pool on Cirrus IV.


Anybody else hear The Picard Song during the Timescape segment?


That was the spoonful of sugar I needed. Thank you guys.


These could go on forever, hearing Mike sum up episodes in his signature Mike way is at least as fun as actually watching them.


That was wonderful. I love the Star Trek talk, can't wait for more!

Nathan Carlson

Please do this for The Original Series!


YES PLEASE to more. You could rope Jay in with a "horror" subcategory: Schisms, Conspiracy, Frame of Mind, Remember Me (already mentioned briefly), and ... Phantasms, I guess?


This was the best one so far, ready for the guilty pleasures!


Rich and Mike in Milwaukee. Rich's laugh angelic.


When Rich and Mike retire I would want them to do a commentary track for every TNG episode as their last project. Just two old guys talking about Star Trek, for months. I will listen to them in my assisted living home, reminiscing about now.


Please never stop doing Star Trek episodes fellas! So many more classic moments to discuss. I'm a fan of Season 7; Episode 4 & 5 GAMBIT when Picard was a merc and he bitch slapped Riker. Data giving Worf a full dress down- of of my favorite scenes in the series.

Manuel Johnen

I can't wait for part III of the discussion of "Pervert Ryker's weird space sex adventures"...


Please do more TNG related content! "The Defector" would make for great discussion.


Finally "Yesterday's Enterprise" gets a mention. We TOS toughs used to watch TNG for a laugh \, and then Yesterdays Enterprise came up and we were like, Wait, what is this?


I’ll watch Mike and Rich review any trek show....not you discovery not you


Please keep making these. This is what we need. Don’t slog through Discovery and Picard. I want to watch you guys talk about the Trek you boys love.

Angry Badger

I hope you guys do Deep Space 9 some time


I'm surprised at how entertaining just TALKING about ST is. I don't have nearly enough friends who just love talking about episodes. They just don't make TV like this any more. Thanks!!


A voyager review would be fun. So many ridiculous and fun episodes on that show. Wasn’t Dwayne le rock Johnson on it once? Yikes...