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Best of the Worst: Twin Dragon Encounter, American Rickshaw, and Infested

We're back! After spotlights and gimmicks for months, we sat down and just watched three and a half bad movies featuring identical twin Karate instructors, mystical cats, an out of shape alien bounty hunter that sounds suspiciously like a Canadian, and mind-controlling flies!



Just what I needed! Thanks for all you guys do!




One fine day they’re gonna watch the especially bad movie I sent them and all will be right with the world.


Alright! Now I can pretend I'm drinking with friends that I'll never meet .


Another great video of Best Of The Worst from the Best Hack Frauds on the Internet!

Rick Drake

Ah, a Saturday night. Just when they know I have nothing better to do.




Just the thing to lift my spirits. I really really needed this. Thank you guys for everything you do.


Yeah, Jack's back! :D

John Kott

I'm from Niagara. From the 90s. It is just surreal to see "Phobe" featured here and not on my local cable television.


You saved me from a boring movie


Yay! I have been waiting for Twin Dragon Encounter for years since it was first mentioned on a Plinketo episode!

Brandon Shane

I've watched Phobe. Yep.


Just noticed the "Push the Whopper Button" pillow.


Mike trying desperately to form a joke is me every day of my life


On MMA. Ontario legalised MMA back in 2010. Had some big events there.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Hell yeah! But I'm still not giving up on having you guys watch GARY BUSEY: PET COURT. Available on Amazon Prime. Gary Busey. Dressed as a judge. Judging cases between owners and their pets (presumably. I have not watched it). Gary Busey is a judge! With a courtroom! With pets! Do it. You know you want to.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

If Jay's hair gets any longer, I'm hoping it will run for President. It really has character I can believe in. I believe Jay's hair could run our country competently, at the very least.


Happy birthday to me.


It figures that Colin From Canada is to blame for the delay.


I love how hard you're pimping this sight unseen.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Also, I'd love to know if Jessica from the last post watched Gary Busey: Pet Judge. You promised to "thank or yell at me later" after my lovely descriptions prompted you to watch it. I can't wait for the results!


No kidding, I used to think a rickshaw was one of those funny boats, too. So, I appreciate the representation.


This Episode is is clairvoyant. Twin Towers>Twin Dragon Encounter>Two Tickets to Paradise>Infested(Flies)>Mike Pence. Even though the episode was recorded before the VP debate Also: Old Grandpa and Mike states making a chewing face(6:53) ala Hector Salamanca from Breaking Bad > Then Infested stars Mark Margolis who played Hector from Breaking Bad. Years from now people will mine this video for predictions like Nostradamus. The powers of Rem Lezar be praised!


Also, side note. One of the best BotW ever! You guys rock!


Is that Hector Salamanca in Infested?


That was one of the best episodes! So many payoffs for long-time viewers of the channel, so many laugh-out-loud moments. What an absolute pleasure to watch. Thank you, RLM!


The Black Tank Top / Vanity Project theory continues to pay off!




There is a The Real Twin Dragons (2003) 😱

Manuel Johnen

Every time they destroy physical media my heart bleeds...

Marvin Falz

BotW is a nice way to continue the day, after a long walk and a coffee at the Eiscafé. Thanks, guys!


Good lord American Rickshaw looks nuts!! Donald Pleasence wtf....

Marvin Falz

I really like how you edited the part where Rich explains the plot of American Rickshaw (from 31:00 to 37:00), really compelling, like Rich's voice overlapping at times as if his voice was hunting itself, the part where the rickshaw ride and other clips from the movie are superimposed, the overlaps in the visuals, the cutting closer and closer to Rich, and more. One could make an EFAP video just on those 6 minutes, except that it would be full of praise and interesting discussion why they're done well. Of course there's much more to say about the whole episode of BotW. Imagine an EFAP on the whole episode. It would take days to appreciate all aspects of filmmaking and why they're done well.

Poo In An Alleyway

Jay, watch V. Right now. Like, right fucking now. It’s so fucking good.


Twin Dragon Encounter is apparently the first part of a trilogy. There is Dragon Hunt (1990) and The Real Twin Dragons (2003). May these films find their way to Milwaukee.


Colin our thoughts are with you in this, your hour of need.

Mike W

Amazing video. Im an MMA fan big time. The banning of it in certain parts of Canada and in New York in the US is scummy politics to the max.


Hey! I love Jack! Nice to see him back for an episode.


If you listen to Josh Olson's other podcast "The West Wing thing" he references "Infested" multiple times, and he is pretty clear that the whole movie is an expression of his contempt for "The Big Chill"


Loving the new look, Jay!


I feel like you guys did another Sergio Martino film before (besides Hands of Steel) or maybe I'm just confusing him with Fulci. He did some good giallo films at least though, haha.

Daniel E. Passaro

This was one of the nicest episode. Plus, I’d really like to see American Rickshaw now.

Mike St Louis

I just popped it on. WELCOME BACK JACK! I really wish him and Rich would revive the video game show. It was entertaining just to hear the reviews even though I didn’t play all the same games.


Rich Evans giving a summary of American Rickshaw is just another example of why he's a legend. He's irreplaceable.


After such an awful week, I was so glad to see a new BOTW in my inbox. Even better with Jack back in the fold, finally getting to the Twin Dragon tape, and a Colin cameo. Best episode in awhile!

Kendel Fargo

Another boundless smile! This is the good stuff🎅🏿👍!


I want Colin to make a fitness tape where the regimen is just walking to shuttered martial-arts schools from cheapo B-movies he saw, and eating ketchupy things the rest of the time.


One of my favourite episodes so far. I was laughing out loud. Colin's cameo at the end was the icing on the Canadian cake.


That cookie Jay was eating looked delicioussss

Andréanne Dion

The Rem Lezar reveal gave me chills, I swear.


I'm tardy to the party, but great work, RLM. I loved this episode. It's great to see Jack back in the fold. Also Donald Pleasance has to be near Cameron Mitchell in the bad movie hall of fame. Legendary bad films such as Puma Man, American Rickshaw, Warrior of the Lost World, and Halloween 5. The difference being that Donald had the Halloween movies to support his drinking habit.


This episode has given me so much to think about. First, should I now add American Rickshaw to my Christmas list? It’s available for pre-order on Amazon prime... Secondly, and I’m sure you guys saw it, too, it is so adorable that Jack Mulcahy expressed an interest in visiting you and signing your figurine (amazing fan gift). I hope he is a pleasant person. Anyone who puts on a set of blue tights for the camera to record forever has a special sort of patience.


The editing of Rich's explanation of American Rickshaw was inspired.


If Jack Mulcahy comes to sign the Rem Lazar figure, that will be it...my life will be complete...


Was the 90s horror movie Rich was thinking of in reference to Infested, "Skeeter?" If so, that's a BIG coincidence cuz I was about to ask you guys, "Hey, have you guys seen Skeeter?" The one about big early CGI mosquitoes! I remember watching it on SyFy back when it was still Sci-Fi; it came after Tremors 2 or 3, whichever one has the small walking tremors.


Just got around to watching this today and you guys have really outdone yourselves! I was laughing out loud the whole time

Twit In A Hat

Everyone looks so happy on this one! To misquote the great Rich Evans, "I've never seen anyone so excited to talk about crap."